
Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
BONUS Episode: Finding your Soulmate
Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
What's up Witches!? This week I've decided to share with you a BONUS episode that's all about finding your soulmate.
This pod covers:
- How to use astrology to find your potential soulmate
- What placements to look at in a Birth Chart
- What some of the different Birth Chart placements mean in regards to romance or finding a partner
My Website: www.spacewitchastrology.org
Instagram: @spacewitchastrology
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E-mail (business inquiries ONLY): spacewitchpodcast@gmail.com
You are now listening to the space witch podcast, your one stop guide to the stars, self-discovery, understanding that people around you in a logical explanation for all your other weird life experiences. Get all your questions answered right here. I'm your host Whitney Levesque
and we're back. Welcome back to part two, um, of the compatibility episode, a k a episode four of the space, which podcast. Thank you so much for tuning back in. Um, so obviously I'm going to continue talking about compatibility and some more in depth stuff that I didn't quite get to in my last episode. Um, but before I begin, I just have a couple of announcements I want to make a real quick. Um, so first one is just a quick little update. I'm still working to try and get this podcast up on Spotify, Spotify and iTunes. Um, but like I mentioned in a previous episode, I'm waiting to get my account recovered and all that fun stuff and it takes a while. Unfortunately it was just super, super annoying, but I should be good to go very, very soon. Um, and you guys will be the first to know about it.
If you guys want to stay updated, follow me on Instagram at the space witch podcast. Um, I'm currently working on some content for that and trying to post more regularly. Um, but if you want to know, like when a new episodes up, um, since I'm not on like iTunes, just try, you can't subscribe. Uh, please, please, please go follow me on there. I'll even like link it in the show notes or if you have sound cloud and, uh, you want either or if like you want to make a sound cloud account, please give me a follow. I would love it so much if you guys did that and you could stay up to date with all my latest episodes, um, and not miss a single one. So that's that. Um, yeah, so I just kinda like took a little break in between episodes and kind of just hung out, had a snack, listened to some more music.
Um, and um, I'm feeling good again. Um, yeah, so also another little thing I wanted to mention. So I have a couple Spotify playlists, so like, I dunno if anyone else is like this, but there's like a lot of songs I'll here and I'll be like, oh my God, this is like, I'll think of like a certain sign or a placement. Um, so I have a couple of playlists on Spotify that you can go follow if you're on Spotify. Um, I'll try to link it in the show notes also if I can. Um, if not, you can look me up on Spotify. A Whitney Levesque it's just my name. You can find my name in the show notes if you don't know how to spell it. Um, yeah, so I have a couple of playlists. I have a Venus, Venus retrograde blebs that wow, I can't talk now.
I believe in Venus retrograde. Um, yeah, so I have a Venus retrograde play list that I just kind of compiled. It's a little bit all over the place. It's got a little pop punk. It's got a little pop. It's got a little bit of rep. Um, I like a little bit of everything when it comes to music. So it's got something for everyone on there and I'm going to be adding more stuff to it as time goes on. So if you want to follow it, check it out. It's just called Venus rx. Um, under my playlist, I have another playlist that I started a while ago. There's not too many songs on it, but I'll probably still add to it. Um, it's, so what I'll probably do actually. So originally the playlist is called cosmic love. Um, I named it after the Florence and the machine song cosmic love.
Cause like there's some songs that just kind of remind me of like space and like the stars and all that fun stuff. So I started making a playlist of all the songs, like remind me of that. But um, I'm thinking what I might do and this might be kind of fun, I might just add a bunch of, like there's certain songs that remind me of like the certain signs or certain like, um, you know, placements. So I might just add songs to it and then maybe like I'll make a blog post to go with it so that that way you guys can kind of go on and see like what songs remind me of what placement I thought about doing like a playlist for all the different sides, but that just kind of seems like too much work. Um, so yeah, the playlist is called cosmic love.
You want to check it out, follow it on Spotify, you can follow my Venus Retrograde playlist. Um, it's just kind of a fun little thing that I like to do cause I love listening to music and you know, I like the whole like associating signs and placements with certain songs. So check it out. I'll link everything in the show notes and I'll probably make a blog post to go with that playlists that I mentioned. So yeah, I'm just going to dive straight into where I left off on my last podcast episode, um, in this wow playlist. I'm still thinking about playlists. Um, in this episode I'm going to talk about, um, so like in the last episode, like I said, I talked about just your basic, um, your basic like, you know, things you can look at to know if two signs are going to be compatible or not.
In this episode I'm going to be talking about your moon sign again. I'm going to be talking about your Mars sign, your venus sign and I'm going to talk about the first house in the seventh house and size also a big thing that plays into astrology and love and relationships and compatibility and partnerships. Somehow too, after I took a break, I'm still out of breath for some reason. I'm like I said, I really don't like to do a whole lot of editing on these, so bear with me on that. Um, I mean like I'll probably do like a little bit of editing but not a whole lot. Um, so yeah. Um, but anyways, so I'm going to start off talking. So if anyone remembers him, one on my last episodes, I talked about the moon signs and what your moon sign is and how a lot of it's like, you know, your relationship, not your relationship, sorry.
Um, how it's like, you know, your relationship to your mother or it is how you handle your emotions. This is really important and compatibility. Um, because not only like in a relationship are you going to be dealing with someone in their emotions, but like, you know, they say that in relationships we project our childhood traumas on to other people. Um, and you know, like a lot of people have like, you know, stuff from their childhood that they didn't deal with, um, that kind of come out in your relationships. And so, um, your moon sign has a lot to do with your mother and how you viewed your mother. And, um, you know, it also has to do with like, because it has to do with your mother. Like, you know, everyone looks to their mother for security, like when you're an infant or a toddler.
Um, you know, you're going to look to your mom to make you feel safe and warm and like, okay, so I'm moon sign compatibility is really important in a relationship because you know, that's gonna be what nurtures you. It's going to be what makes me feel comfortable and safe and you know, what makes you feel like you can be vulnerable and share stuff with this person. Um, so a lot of like what I'm not going to go look about, like I'm not going to talk about all the signs in the the moon. Um, you can find that on my blog later cause I kind of made a post for that for my last episode. Um, but what I will say is like generally speaking, you can, you can use a lot of what I talked about in the last episode to find out if your moon sign is going to be compatible with someone else's moon sign.
Um, so like, you know, if you know you're a cancer moon and the person you're looking at as a Capricorn moon or a Virgo moon, you're going to know that it's generally going to be pretty compatible because, um, you know, it's an earth sign and a water sign and you know, they're opposites and they're both cardinal signs. So like you can kind of like look at it that way. Um, I mean overall, like, you know, you want to look at the chart as a whole, you don't want to fix it too much on one placement. Um, but the moon sign does come a lot into play in relationships and hello cat. Oh my God. My cat is like sniffing my microphone and wants to know what I'm doing and once we get to pet him, um, yeah. So everyone's hands are gonna be super important. Um, excuse me.
He's like walking on my laptop, distracting me. Anyways. Um, yeah. So that's your moon sign. Now that my cats like done being rude and finally decided to like sit down and like chill. Um, yeah. So that's your moon sign. The next thing that I'm going to talk about that I haven't really talked that much about at all. And this podcast is your Venus sign. So you're venus sign is, you know, Venus is like the planet of love, beauty, luxury. Um, it can sometimes have to do with like money or how you make money. Um, but a lot of it, it's about like how you show affection, what you find visually appealing, what you're attracted to. It's also like, kind of like they sit like how you flirt or it's like how you show other people your affection. Um, they also say that like, so in a woman's chart of Venus, your Venus placement is like how she flirts.
And then in a man's chart, like a man's Mars sign is like how he flirts. And then like, so like for a woman, sorry, this is so confusing. And then for a woman like her Mars sign is what she's attracted to in a man. Um, and then the same thing, like in a male's chart, like a man's chart is going to have like, you know, you know, the venus sign would be like what he's attracted to and a woman, um, if you find that works for you, that's great. Um, I think it, it kind of applies and it kind of doesn't also, like if you, you know, if this is like, if you're like, it can apply to anyone, whether you're like gay, straight trans, um, you can interpret it how you will with what you know, feminine and Masculine Energies that you identify with.
Um, so yeah, your venus sign is like, it's just what you find attractive and how you kind of show that you are attracted to someone. That's how you show shower them with affection. Um, so in like what you look for in a relationship, it's what you love. Um, so like your venus sign, it's like, it's what you love or your moon sign is like, that's your security. What makes you feel safe. So, like for example, my Venus sign is in cancer, so I'm like very attracted to people to like, yeah, I mean people in general I guess. Um, but from a relationship standpoint, I'm very attracted to men who are, um, very warm and nurturing and like, I feel like almost like they want to take care of me or like they do things for me or, um, you know, in a way I'm like, I guess I'm attracted to like a very like traditional kind of a man, even though like I'm also very nontraditional with my Aquarius rising.
Um, you know, I like, I always think it's like sweet, like when a guy like goes out of his way to like do things for me that I wouldn't expect them to do. Even just like, like holding the door open or something silly like that. Um, you know, with my Venus in cancer, like those are the kinds of things like I'm attracted to and you know, like cancer's all about family and like nurturing and like warmth. I don't know. I always think warmth when I think of like cancer and Taurus cause it's just like, they're just such a cozy placement. Like we just want to like hang out at home, drink some hot chocolate, watch movies, cuddle with our pets. Like, and that's really what like Venus and cancer's all about is like, you know, they want the long term committed relationship. They want to have family usually.
Um, obviously things like can make that different, like based on other things in the chart. But like I always feel like Venus and cancers like the kind of placement that's like, you know, they get into a long term relationship and they're like, let's move in together. Let's get a dog together, let's get a pet, let's cook together. That kind of a thing. Um, anyways, so getting back to her saying, so that's like Venus and cancer. That's what I have. And then I have moon in Capricorn, which is, you know, Capricorns are very stable sign. Um, you know, it's very like not, it's, it's not like so wishy washy and flaky and emotional. And so, like, from a security standpoint, like I need to be with someone who is very stable and like, not overly emotional and like, it's a little contradicting tonight's because like, you know, my Venus and moon signer and opposite signs, so there is some conflict there.
Um, but yeah, we really look for like, stability in a relationship. Um, and we also like people that can kind of bring us down to earth and ground us for when we do get upset. Um, because like, you know, it's just, it's very easy to kind of like get caught up in other things and kind of lose sight of like what you're looking for. Um, because you know, Capricorn moon isn't a very emotional placement to begin with, but like, I think it's really good to have someone who either like helps you deal with your emotions or like someone who can, um, you know, maybe it will cause like Capricorn moon, it's like we tend to be workaholics. So like, instead of, uh, you know, actually getting emotional, we might throw ourselves into our work and not deal with their emotions. So having someone who can kind of get you to like pay attention to stuff like that is always super helpful.
Um, but yeah. So what was I saying again? Um, yeah, so like I said, your moon sounds like your security and what, like you need to feel secure in a relationship. Your Venus sign is what you find attractive and what appeals to you and what's gonna make you look and feel good. Um, moving on to your mar sign, your march sign is all about passion. It's your masculine energy, it's anger, it's what drives you, what motivates you. Um, it's sexual energy. So if you want to know like what your sex life is going to be with someone or if you know you're going to be a good a match sexually, it was someone, um, maybe have a friends with benefits kind of a thing. Or maybe you're seeing someone you want to hook up with them, I don't know. Uh, and you want to know like what sex with them might be.
Like, you can look at their Mars and the fifth house or sorry, not Mars in the fifth house. That's my placement. I don't know why I just said that. I'm not, everyone's going to have Mars in their fifth house. Um, but I met like you can look at Mars, um, their mar signed to kind of figure it out. So, so with that being said, um, so generally speaking, if someone has Mars in a water sign, they're going to be like really passive aggressive anger wise. They might be really shy or like coy when it comes to sex. I think the only one that might not be super shy, it's like Mars and Scorpio because Scorpio is like very driven sign and it's all about sex and I feel like they're very likely to just like seduce someone. Um, like hardcore. Uh, so they're going to be kind of like that.
Um, if you have Mars and an earth sign, um, you might be a little more grounded when you're angry. Like you try to be kind of fair and like practical and like see the other side of things. Um, I know they're like, I think margin tourists, it's really like physical when they're angry. Um, that's a big thing. Like when you look at earth signs, like they're very physical, um, which can also make them really good like in the bedroom because like they're very physical and sensual and like in touch with that side of themselves. Um, I know like people always joke about like the astrological, like in the astrological community there's all these jokes about like, you know, like, uh, how like probably like the hottest like signed to like sleep with is like Mars and Capricorn or Mars and Scorpio because those are just two very driven signs.
And like, I think I'm Mars is like exalted and Capricorn too because cab recording is all about hard work and you know, like they're stable so they don't like, you know, they don't give up easily. So like if you're going to sleep with a Mars and Capricorn like they are all in there like very like, um, kinda like seductive, I guess I'm not in the same way like a margin Scorpio would be, but they're just very like driven and goal oriented. So like they go into sex with like a mission. Um, I've also heard like, I guess Mars and Capricorn can be kind of like kinky sometimes too. Um, those are all things you can kind of like figure out, um, about sex and your Mars sign. Um, which I might, we'll see. Maybe we'll do another episode specifically about sex and astrology. Um, but the were just talking about relationships for now.
So that's your Mars in the earth. Psi Or, yeah, the earth signs Mars and a fire sign is going to be very passionate and fiery, like fiery, like the element. Um, those would be very, uh, passionate and like, I always think Mars in the fire signs, those are kind of like the one night stand sort of like people. Um, I mean obviously this isn't true for all people who have Mars and a fire sign, but I feel like they're much more likely to, because like, think of fire, like fire being like a quick flame, you know, you can turn the flame on, you can blow out the flame, like that kind of a thing. Um, so they're very like passionate. Like, I think like these would maybe be the kind of people to have like, like angry makeup, sex or something. Um, but I always think like they could be, uh, someone you meet at like a bar or a club and you like hook up with like one time and like they're super into it at the time and the next day they're just like over it.
They're like, that's, then this is now this is done. Um, obviously like that's not always true, but that's kind of what like where my mind goes when I think of like fire signs and the Mars signs. Um, also when they're angry, they probably can be really mean because they're really blunt. I'm a lot of fire signs tend to be just very direct into the point about things. Um, so they don't really like hold back. Um, they kind of just say things and like, apologize later. Maybe. Um, again, fire center all about the ego. So they might, they might not apologize. Um, but they might, so that's your Mars and a fire sign. Um, your Mars and air signs. Again, this is another placement where I feel like, because, um, the fire and air sensor are a little bit less, uh, emotional, um, or a little bit like less attached to things.
Um, this is another place where I feel like they could easily just hook up with someone or have a friends with benefits situation or maybe they have like a polyamorous relationship or an open relationship. People with Mars and an air sign, they're very detached with sex. Um, they are very, like, they, I don't know, they're just not like clingy. Um, they are like, they, they're totally cool. It's just like being friends with someone and like hooking up with them. Like whenever, like they're, they don't really, it's not like this, like for, so like if you had Mars and a water sign, um, for example, like I have margin cancer, so like sex for you is very like intimate and special and like sacred and it's like this big spiritual, emotional thing. Um, whereas, uh, someone who has Mars in, in air sign, they're going to be like, it's just sex.
It's whatever. It's not a big deal. People do it. Um, they're just going to like, be really overly logical and rational about it and they're just not going to get their feelings all tied up in, um, their relationship relationships. Um, so like I said, these were the people that I feel like we'd probably do a lot of like unconventional, like, uh, you know, things like open relationships. Maybe they go to sex parties, maybe they, um, like I said, maybe they'd like to have like group sex or threesomes, maybe they, they're the caterpillar that'll go to like a strip club with their partner. Um, so yeah, that's kind of, that's where my mind goes when they're angry. Um, I imagine they just get very heady about it. Um, I don't, it's hard to say cause I don't really, I haven't had to deal with too many air signs.
Um, but I think they'll probably like take themselves out of the situation and just like think about it and then they kind of get over it and they just rationalize it all out. Um, like I mentioned, like I know like, like Mars and Gemini is kind of like all over the way. It's like they'll get really, really mad and then they're just over it and it's fine. And I think like a lot of the air signs are probably like that. Like they get really upset and they've, maybe they freak out and then they calm down and they're like, it's whatever. Like they're just over it. Cause like I said, it's a very detached sign. So they just kind of like, it's there and it's gone. Just like the kind of just like the fire signs. So, um, from a sexual standpoint, if you are looking to hookup with someone, um, if you have, you know, your Mars and a water or sign, those are the two things are kind of like going to work for you.
Um, so either someone else with a Mars and a water sign or someone else who is Mars and a earth sign, they're going to be like more sexually combat compatible with you. Um, and then like if you have your Mars and a fire sign or an air sign, you're going to want to look for someone who's either in the same element is you or someone who is a, you know, fire, air sign because they're just more compatible. And of course, as I mentioned in my last episode, um, you know, there's, there's always exceptions to the rule. I'm like I said, for example, like I'm a Mars and cancer and my boyfriend is in a Mars in Libra. Um, and it still works and it's fine. Um, so yeah, so that is your march sign. Um, the last thing I want to touch on is your first house and your seventh house.
Um, this is a really, really, really important thing to look at in relationships for so many reasons. First of all, it's like this is these two houses, there are always going to be opposite of each other and they're always going to be an opposite signs always. Um, this is all about, this is going to be all about like how you come off to the world and how other people see you and how you see people. Um, the first house is like rolled by Aries. Um, which areas is the first sign of the Zodiac? It is, um, you know, it's all about like the physical, like physical stuff like your physical body and moving your body and how you look in your appearance. Um, so your first time is also known as your ascendent sign. Um, everyone has one, it's based off the time you were born.
Um, and it's just, it's literally, it's how you come off in personal relationships. Um, so there's like a whole dynamic and astrology where you have your first test in your seventh house dynamic, you have your 10,000, your fourth house dynamic. And so your first house in seventh house, those are all about relationships and partnerships. Um, whereas you have your 10,000 year fourth house, which is kind of like your home where you grew up. And then it's like, where are you going? So it, it goes from your home to your public persona and your stance in the world and how you appear publicly. Um, and this is why like you can see people online, um, or in the public eye on like youtube or on TV and you might see a celebrity or someone and they come off a certain way on a public platform. And if you were to meet them in person, they might be like a whole other person.
So like for example, like, um, my 10 houses and Sagittarius. So you're listening to my podcast right now and you're thinking like, wow, this girl sounds like a Sagittarius type personality. Um, you know, she's here teaching me about astrology and you know, telling me all these things and um, you know, educating me, which is something I actually love to do is to educate people. And I like getting, you know, I like getting preachy. It's fun. Um, that's my thing. And so then, you know, if you guys were to meet me in person though, I might seem totally different to you. Like, I have an Aquarius rising, so like Aquarius is a very detached sign. So I might sound very fun and personal or personable. That was the word personable on this podcast. But like if you mind me a person, I might be very like cold and distant and kind of shy.
Like I might be kind of like observing you before I decide to like be your best friend kind of a thing. Um, what do you know Aquarius is a friendly sign. So like I am friendly, you can approach me, I will talk to pretty much anyone. Um, but you're just going to get a totally different vibe than what you hear on my podcast for example. Even though like I think my podcast is pretty true to who I am as a person. Um, it's not that much different. Like this is honestly like how I talked to like my friends and my coworkers. Um, so yeah, so it's not that much different, but like, like I said, it's just like a different vibe. Um, so, so getting back to what I was saying, um, so yeah, your first house was like your physical body and your appearance and um, like how you appear in person to people.
On the opposite end of that you have your seventh house. So if your first house is all about like you and your appearance, um, your seventh house is also known as your descendant. So it's the opposite of your ascendant. Um, and you know, so like the first house is how people see you. Your seventh house or your descendant is going to be all about how you see other people. It's also going to be like your shadow side and you're like negative traits of like your general personality. Um, I will say go backtracking a little bit, your first house to like, or your ascendent. It's all that kind of like colors your tart. It's almost like the overall theme of like everything in your chart. Um, that kind of just glosses over everything. Um, but anyways, so like for, so I'm going to use my own example again.
I always try to tell people, your first house is, it's how you want to appear. And then like I said before, your some test is how like, you know, it's the negative sides of that. Um, but you don't really pay much attention to. So like I'm an Aquarius rising, so I always tell people about like how I'm Vegan and I would like want to try to go like, you know, zero waste and do all this, you know, humanitarian Aquarius stuff. Um, and how like I want to get a rescue to hug and do all this good in the world and you know, that's my Aquarius rising coming out. Because, you know, Aquarius as humanitarian, we want to help the world. We want to do good. Things were unconventional. We want to do things differently. Um, and so in a weird way, literally weird because Aquarius is like, no one was like the weird sign.
Um, that is how I strive for people to see me. Um, it's kind of like this weird crunchy like hippie person I guess. Um, and so on the opposite end of that, I have Leo, which a Leo is a very selfish sign and it's a very like look at me sign and you know, I want attention. And you know, it's funny because I think in a way like I strive to be a selfless person and a lot of the times like I'll hear, I've had people tell me like, oh, you're so selfish, you're so like into yourself and blah, blah blah blah. Um, so sometimes like when I'm, you know, not acting the best, I might be selfish, I might be kind of like a Leo, I might be lazy, I might not want to do things for other people. Um, another good example I love to use as people with like Sagittarius rising, cause I've noticed this a lot and um, some, not all, but some people I know who have this, um, Sagittarius is like, you know, when you have Sagittarius rising, you want to be like this mature Philosophical Guru and you want everyone to think you know, all this stuff and you want them to think that you're so mature and you kind of on like a bad day, you'd probably give off like a holier than thou personality.
And you love to preach to people about like how mature you are and how like, you know, you're just, you're so mature and worldly and know all this stuff. But then like when you are acting out, you act really immature and that's the gem and I descendant coming out and just, you know, kind of like spit firing at people and being rude and all over the place. Um, so that's like your shadow side coming out. So the same dynamic could be applied between any two signs. Those are just like the two examples that I really like to use. Um, so it's like, it's almost like, like I said, cause you know, relationships are like a mirror when you're dealing with someone, you're projecting stuff on to them and in return you end up getting a lot of stuff projected back at you, which is why like, you know, in a longterm relationship you can learn and grow so much if you actually take the time to, um, you know, work with your partner.
And in fact, like, I think that's one of the most beautiful things about any sort of longterm committed relationship is, um, if you and your partner are both willing to commit and take the time to work on your issues and help each other, um, that's like the real nitty gritty like soulmate work right there. Because, you know, they say soulmates in, this doesn't even have to be a romantic relationship. It could be a friendship or a partnership with someone else. Um, you know, they say like soulmates, soulmates. Wow. Almost going to say that. Um, soulmates. They come into your life to teach you things and to teach you a lesson. And they can come in a lot of different forms. It's not always necessarily romantic. Um, but I think that's the beautiful thing about twin flames and soulmates and stuff like that is, uh, you know, when you, when you meet someone and you connect with them, you are doing all that inner soul work just by being with them.
Because you know, a lot of issues come up in relationships because like I said before, we end up projecting all of our childhood traumas and issues onto the other people. And so when you meet that right person who gets you to just stop and say, you know, hey lake, let's talk about this. Let's work through this. Why did, why are you doing this when you're upset? Why do you ignore me when we get in a fight? Why do you run away? Why do you do all this stuff? So when you actually get that right person to sit down and be like, this is an issue, let's talk about it. Let's work through it. And if you're actually willing to sit down and talk about it in return, it can be such a beautiful thing. Um, you know, in that sense to care for another person such a way where you realize like you have all these issues and you need to work on them and you're working on them for the greater good of like, you know, yourself and the other person, um, which is a totally off topic thing.
Well, I'm not totally off topic, but um, you know, just one of the wonderful, wonderful, uh, dynamics of, you know, how relationships tend to work. Um, so yeah, so your first house in your seventh house, it's like I said, it's like a two way mirror, just like a normal relationship, you know, when you're working with someone. Um, so like I said, your first house is your appearance. It's how you come off. Um, you can have certain planets in placements there, um, that might affect like how you feel about your appearance or might affect your competence levels. Like, you know, you could have Saturday in your first house and be really insecure about how you look or stuff like that or you might have a very serious personal, you know, way that you come about or come off to people. Um, and because you have that first house too, that's also going to show you like what kind of people you attract are what placements you attract.
Um, so like for me personally, I have Aquarius rising are ascendant, um, which is an air sign. So I attract a lot of air signs and sometimes fire signs. I'm like, I have a ton of Libor friends. Um, and I have a lot of Gemini friends that I have a lot of. Um, I have like, I don't know, like I noticed in the past I attract a lot of Leos but it never works because I honestly like Leo's don't really do much for me. Um, in a relationship. Like I love them as friends and I think they're great to be around, but they are not really someone I'm super interested in in a relationship wise. Although I guess I can't say that too much because, uh, my, my boyfriend has a Venus in Leo, so I guess I'm lying a little bit, but, um, I guess like Leo Sun People are just a little too extra for me.
No offense to anyone who's a Leo Sun. Um, but yeah, so like you're going to attract a lot of like other signs that are either in the same element as you or they might be, like I said, water or earth. If you have a water or earth rising, if you have a fire air rising, you might attract a lot of other air signs or other fire signs. And then also like you going to be likely to attract a lot of like the opposite of whatever that sign is. So like I said before, my risings in Aquarius and I attract a lot of Leos. Um, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. So that's how that dynamic works. Your seventh house is like your house of your seventh house is going to be, that's the house of like partnerships. Um, it's what it's really like. I know when I say partnerships, I mean like it can be romantic relationships, but it can also be like business business, business ships, I guess that's a word now.
A business business partnerships or it can be friendships even, um, and generally like, so we're usually attracted to whatever's on the opposite and of our, um, first house. So like in our seventh house, so like me being an Aquarius rising, I am attracted to people, um, who have Leo characteristics or trade. So I love people that are like really happy and funny. I'm like actually, especially the funny part, anyone who can make me laugh is just like, I love them. Um, I love funny people and I love people that are very confident too. That's a very Leo thing cause it was a very competent. Um, so that's kind of like that. It's another thing to look at that plays into attraction as your seventh house. Also, if you have any planets in your seventh house, that's really going to, um, affect that too. So like not only do I have Leo on my seventh house, but I also have Virgo, Virgo.
Um, I have my son in my seventh house, which is kind of weird because my first house and seventh house or intercepted and my sun's in Virgo, but my son technically does fall in my seventh house. So, um, I have son in my seventh house and then I have mercury also in my seventh house. Um, so, and it's funny too, cause like I thought about this one day, right? Um, I don't, I for a long time I was like, I don't have a type, I don't like there isn't a type, I just like who I like. And then one day it kind of clicked for me when I was looking at my chart. Um, so like having the sun and Mercury there, I love people that are really confident and really smart and people that I can like have conversations with and not just like, you know, like small talk with.
I mean like people I can talk about like anything and everything with like that's so attractive to me. And, um, you know, like, I don't know, like I love confidence and I love brains and that's really like what you get when you have sun and Mercury on your seventh house like that. And so it was funny to look back at the people I was like really attracted to and like, you know, I guess I'm just kind of attracted to like really attractive but really like confident, like nerds. I'm like, I dunno, like there's just something about like a smart guy who's really confident in himself and like they know it. Um, it's funny too because usually these people are also like low key, very insecure, um, which is fine because like everyone's insecure of course. Um, but like, I don't know, just people who are like, it's like, you know, people worry about like penis size and I'm like, well, how big is your brain though?
Um, to take it down that that way. But that's just kind of like what came to mind. Um, yeah, so like I said, really competent, really smart people. And so like, even like, um, yeah, you could have another planet in your seventh house too. So like, if you have like your moon in your seventh house, um, you might be really attracted to women or men who are really maternal and like, are really comforting and nurturing and just like want to take care of you. Um, so like, you know, all these little things can kind of, uh, can affect that. And I think that's about all I have to say for the first and seventh house dynamic. Hopefully I did a pretty good job of trying to explain that to you guys. Um, yeah, and I guess this concludes the rest of my episode. Um, thank you for tuning in and listening and I will catch you back here next week. Thank you so much for listening.
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