
Tuesday Nov 27, 2018
2: Millennials & Astrology
Tuesday Nov 27, 2018
Tuesday Nov 27, 2018
What's up Witches!? This week I decided to share some thoughts that I've had surrounding Millennials and Astrology.
This pod covers:
- My thoughts on Millennials and Astrology
- My thoughts about this article.
- Why I think Millennials are into Astrology
- How Astrology and the generational planets play in a role in Millennials fascination with Astrology
My Website: www.spacewitchastrology.org
Instagram: @spacewitchastrology
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/spacewitchastrology/
E-mail (business inquiries ONLY): spacewitchpodcast@gmail.com
You are now listening to the space witch podcast your one stop guide to the stars, self-discovery, understanding the people around you in a logical explanation for all your other weird life experiences. Get all your questions answered right here. I'm your host, Whitney Levesque.
and we're live. Thank you for tuning into the space. Which podcast as previously stated. I'm your host 20 Levesque. Welcome to episode number two. So I haven't fully decided what I want to talk about today. I have a few things I want to discuss. Um, mainly I guess what I want to talk about today is like astrology culture, if that makes sense. I'm sorry if I sound quieter than usual. Uh, it's like 11 in the morning and I'm still pretty tired. Uh, I've been sitting here working on a blog post and drinking some cold coffee out of my Virgo mug and hanging out with my cat Sigurd the stone count. Uh, I don't know why we call him the stone count. It's just kind of a nickname. Um, anyway, yeah. So I guess today is going to be more of just like a me talking about random stuff episode.
Uh, I mean, I will throw in some stuff so people can actually like, you know, learn. But I think I'm just going to chat for a little bit about, you know, some stuff I've been seeing about astrology in the news and, uh, you know, just like the general culture around astrology. Um, so yeah, let's get into it. Um, so I was, I'm working on some other astrology related projects that I don't want to go into too much detail about, um, just yet, but for right now, um, yeah, I look for right now. Yeah. I just had to do some, I had to do some research. Uh, so I came across this article from the Atlantic that was titled The new age of Astrology and the stressful data driven era. Many young people find comfort and insight in the Zodiac even if they don't exactly believe in it.
Um, that's the name of the article. The, when I found it on Google, it said like, why are millennials so obsessed with Miss Oh, with astrology? So I figured I would kind of talk about that today because honestly, this article made me laugh a little bit. Um, I'm sure like maybe there is some truth to some of these, but, um, basically the key things I got from this article is like, you know, oh, millennials are just so stressed out and uncertain about the future that, you know, astrology just kind of makes them feel better. They talk about, and millennials like we use it as a coping mechanism, which, you know, I guess in a way maybe we do, uh, you know, it is, astrology does give a lot of people comfort, uh, whether you're, whether you're a millennial or a non millennial, you know, then there's another quote saying like, Oh, we take a strategy very seriously, but we also don't necessarily believe in believe in it.
It's just the way we look at the world. Um, so basically it's just, I dunno, this whole article just made me laugh because it's like, oh yeah, like, you know, millennials just love astrology because we're so stressed out. Which again, like, yes, there is some truth to that. Um, what's funny is I feel like I can kind of debunk this article just using astrology. So my first thoughts when I read this, as, you know, a lot of millennials, uh, you know, they either have Pluto and Scorpio or Pluto and Sagittarius. So I mean maybe there's another generational planet that might influence us. Maybe someone has a different opinion out there, which is fine. Um, but I just thought it was funny. So Pluto is basically a planet that's all about uncovering secrets, debunking the taboo. It's, you know, finding truth. Uh, alternatively, like in your chart, Pluto's a lot about, um, getting rid of things that don't serve you anymore.
Getting rid of obsessions, addictions. Um, because Pluto is all about obsession and addiction. It's a very intense planet. Um, so a lot of times when we are dealing with Pluto and astrology, we're working to get rid of things we don't really necessarily need or things that don't serve us. A lot of the times, you know, it's just, you know, weeding out all the bullshit to get to the truth or the core of a situation. Um, and that's what I think, you know, Pluto is really about, well that and transformation. Uh, Pluto, you know, it's ruled by like, you know, what are the, Gosh, I'm blanking out on it. Uh, one of the things that you know, Pluto is associated with is, um, the, the Phoenix, which, you know, if you know anything about like mythology and stuff and you know, the Phoenix and it burns and rises from the ashes.
And, um, that's a huge thing that Pluto is all about is transformation. So, you know, it's, it's a lot about, you know, weeding out the stuff we don't need and transformation. Um, because you know, you can't really transform if you're not weeding out the stuff that doesn't serve you anymore. So anyways, getting back to what I was saying, a lot of people, you know, that our millennials, you know, they either had Pluto and Scorpio and Pluto in Sagittarius. So when you have Pluto and Scorpio, that's, you know, Scorpios in its home there because Scorpio's ruled by Pluto. Scorpio is already a very like no bullshit sign and no nonsense. And you know, again, it's all about seeking truth and, you know, getting rid of the taboo, like a lot of like for example, like a lot of Scorpios you meet are very skeptical because, you know, they don't believe everything they hear usually.
Um, they always want to, you get to the bottom of things and uncover the truth. And I think a lot of people with Pluto and Scorpio, um, I feel like there is this general appeal, um, where they might be interested in a cultism of some sort because they want to know the truth. And I think, I mean, I think that's true for anyone who has interest in, you know, astrology or Tarot cards or, you know, the occult is, you know, searching for truth because, you know, I think everyone has this desire to get a better, deeper understanding of, you know, this thing called life. Um, and we look to it for guidance when things don't really make sense. Um, so I really just think that people would put out a Scorpio, you know, one reason they might be interested in astrology is because, you know, they want to get to the bottom of things.
They want to know why things are the way they are. Um, and I think that's a lot of the appeal, um, as to why, uh, you know, some millennials are interested in that. Um, well, you know, I thought talking about astrology, would be so easy until I actually started talking about it and now I'm like running out of breath and all this other stuff. Um, anyway. Um, yeah, so I think that's another reason, you know, that's just one of the reasons why millennials do tend to seek out astrology more so than maybe other generations. And so, and even some, you know, people in Gen x might even have Pluto and Scorpio to, I think, um, I should probably look that up, but, uh, I'm not going to right now. But anyways, um, so yeah, that's all, you know, Pluto and Scorpio is a lot of people.
Um, you know, most millennials, I don't think Pluto went into Sagittarius until the later end of, until the later end of, uh, you know, when like the cutoff is for millennials. It might even be some knowledge and Gen z people even that are also have this. But, um, so like I'm, I'm one of those people, I was born in 96, so I have Pluto in Sagittarius. Um, and I think when you get, so, you know, like I said before, Pluto is a very, you know, weeding out the bullshit to find the truth kind of assigned and you know, getting to the core and the bottom of things. Uh, when you have Sagittarius in that planet, Sagittarius is like the guru or the philosopher or the teacher of the Zodiac. Um, so having Sagittarius there, you know, Sagittarius is also a very, um, truth seeking sign.
Uh, you know, like a lot of people who are Sagittarius, who are, sorry, a lot of people who are a Sagittarius might be very brutally honest. And so I think people with Pluto and Sagittarius, you know, we really want honesty and you know, that combined with Sagittarius being a very philosophical sign, um, I think we're much more inclined towards astrology because of that. Because you have the combination of those two things coming together. Um, it's interesting because where I feel like Pluto in Scorpio seeks truth, Sagittarius also seeks truth, but I think deeper than that a Sagittarius also seeks meaning. Um, so I think, you know, on top of like, you know, things being so crazy and chaotic and millennials being stressed out and uncertain about their future, I think we also think a lot about, you know, what is the deeper meaning of life and what is going to give us more purpose and value and what things are going to be more fulfilling.
And I think because of that, that's why we turned to things like astrology and why we're so interested in astrology because it gives us a deeper, um, in our sense of meaning and fulfillment out of life, especially when things look so bleak. Um, you know, it's good. It's, I dunno, it's reassuring to have each to know certain things. Um, and I don't know, I think that's largely why millennials are so into astrology. Another thing I wanted to discuss on top of that is because millennials are so into astrology, and they kind of touched on this in the article as well, is that, you know, oh, millennials, they love their memes, which I get it. I love, I love memes as an ex, you know, as much as the next millennium, you know, like, uh, I totally get it. Um, and beams are great. Memes are, you know, they're funny.
They're a great way to share an idea or to share information even though like, you know, memes are, they're supposed to be like a joke. Yeah. So I think the main thing is just, um, oh, right. So like add sometimes. Uh, so yeah, I think the other thing that kind of, maybe this is just me, I don't know if any other astrologers at their feet like this. Um, but memes are great. Uh, what Kinda gets me though is I feel like as far as astrology memes go, I think they can be very misleading, um, and untrue to like astrology. Uh, I used, I get it too. I used to really love astrology means there are some good ones out there that are actually funny, um, for people who actually understand astrology. But there's a lot of, um, there's a lot of Zodiac memes out there that are just very, I feel like they just add weight to the idea that astrology is vague and because of that, astrology is fake.
Like I saw one earlier that was like never tell an Aries, um, you can't do that because they'll just reply, watch me. And like, you know, people will just slap on very vague and general statements, you know, to these memes and then people see them and they're like, oh, wow, that's so me. I love to prove people wrong. And they just take on this idea. And I feel like that's not what astrology is at all. And I don't think it's very true to the, uh, what's the word? Um, it's not very true to the integrity of astrology. Um, and I think it, it just gives people more reason to say that, oh, that's so vague and astrology's too fake. Um, because people like to make these means with these vague statements out there and you know, if someone doesn't know about astrology, it's very easy for them to be like, oh, that's so me.
Or she'd be like, no, that's not me. Um, and I don't know, it kind of, it kind of makes me mad. I've also seen like a lot of like astrology memes on Facebook that are extremely like untrue or fake. And again, I don't mean to be like that person to get all, I don't want to be the person who's like, oh, I just hate all these posers astrologers out here. Because astrology does have that element of fun where it is open to interpretation while also having kind of like, not strict, but kind of strict guidelines. Like there are still rules and structured who astrology. The Fun thing about it is, you know, you can interpret it, interpret a lot of it however you want. Um, which, you know, it may not always be right or true to the situation that you're dealing with, but I do think that is largely part of the fun of astrology.
And I think when people, you know, make these vague, generalized statements, it's taking away a lot of that, um, which, you know, I'm not going to tell people what they can and can't do, do whatever you want, but from an astrological standpoint or a, you know, an astrologer standpoint, um, and I know it's just one of the few things that kind of irks me and I, I felt like I should talk about it. Um, you know, maybe I'm not alone. Maybe I'm alone in this. Maybe a lot of people don't resonate with that. Um, you know, if you do or you don't shoot me an email, I'd love to, I'd love to chat about it for sure. Um, but yeah, that's just kind of something that's been on my mind lately. So I figured I had to kind of let it all out here.
Also I just want to kind of backtrack a little bit before I move on to the next segment on the show. Uh, going back to what I was saying about Pluto being about transformation, um, and why millennials are so obsessed with, with astrology. Um, so yeah, Pluto is about transformation and I think having Pluto and Sagittarius are even Scorpio, that's going to be all about changing the way people think and perceive things. So when we had, you know, Pluto and Scorpio people were all about, you know, changing the taboo, changing how we view things that are taboo. And having Pluto in Sagittarius is also about changing things in are taboo. Um, but it's changing the way we look at certain things like astrology and you know, mysticism and things of that nature, which is one of the great things about Pluto is, you know, it's it and just all the generational planets because those things are changing the way we look and think about things.
And I think it's a very important part of astrology to know and understand. It's also interesting too to see the differences in the, you know, two different Pluto generations. Um, you know, people who are born with Pluto and Scorpio, uh, during the time they born, when Pluto is in Scorpio, they were dealing with a lot of things like, you know, it was sexually transmitted diseases and um, you know, how to combat combat stuff like that. Um, on top of that, people with Pluto in Scorpio, I think they were the generation that kind of started to normalize this idea of people sleeping around and not getting too caught up in not getting too caught up in very close intimate relationships because of the fear of getting hurt. Uh, that was a very large theme sort of surrounding that. And we started to see it on TV and stuff.
Um, and then you have, you know, the Pluto in Sagittarius generation where, you know, we kind of grew up with the rise of like things like al Qaeda and we saw, you know, religious dogma. And because of that, people with Pluto in Sagittarius 10 to be, I think we're, you know, a lot less dogmatic and more open to different ideas and concepts, which is another reason why so many of us are probably interested in things like astrology. Um, you know, this, this generation really likes to study and learn and understand new ideas and philosophies and concepts and words. We're taking all of that in, um, and really embracing it. And also, oh, another thing I wrote about this week, this is not really a astrology related, but I can make it astrology related. Um, someone posted a thing. So you know how like there's all those, uh, there's a lot of articles and stuff out right now that are like, yeah, you know, things millennials are killing and you know, like, you know, they say like millennials aren't buying houses because we're buying too much avocados and crazy stuff like that.
Um, fun fact. I have a house that I bought and I still the Avocados, um, animal and I'm a millennial, a. Anyways, I'm getting off track. So yeah. Um, so some good news, there are some things out there that millennials aren't killing a one of those things that millennials aren't killing his divorce rates. Um, apparently more millennials are interested in getting married and staying together, which is great. And I think a lot of that is because of going back to what I was saying about the Pluto in Scorpio generation. Um, I think because a lot of people were, you know, afraid of re relationships and getting hurt. Um, mainly because, you know, a lot of people born in that generation, saw their parents get divorced and saw the impact of that and how hurtful it was. And so, thankfully, because of that, more millennials are, you know, wanting to get married and have these partnerships and stay with people for longer periods of time. And, um, yeah, I don't know. I was really happy to see that because it's like finally a win for, for millennials. Um, but I mean, honestly, I think all generations are going to talk shit about each other and pick on each other. Um, regardless of anything. But you know, it, it's nice to see a win for millennials.
so yeah, that was my rant about Pluto and the astrology community culture, things that, uh, kind of kind of irk me. Um, so yeah, that was my rant. Um, I'm going to pick up this next segment by kind of continuing off where I left off. Um, in my last episode where I discussed, uh, the sunshine. I'm in the second segment. I'm going to jump to the next plan after that and talk about, uh, your moon sign and what that is. Your moon sign is basically how you handle your emotions. Um, it's kind of like where your sun sign is your conscious side of you, your moon sign is kind of like your subconscious side in a way. It's kind of that thing that's just boiling beneath the surface. It's kind of the things that you, the part of you that you don't let out easily.
Um, it's also where you find your emotional fulfillment in wellness and what things make you happy or, um, I kind of think of it this way. The, so the son, not the son. Uh, the moon has a lot to do with the mother and maternal instincts. Um, so your moon sign is a very nurturing thing. It's kind of your security blanket. It's what you think you need when you're upset or happy or trying to find out what's going to make you happy. Um, it is, you know, it's your feelings. It's how you handle your emotions. It's how you viewed your mother. Um, growing up, uh, Alyssa Sharpe on youtube actually has a really great video discussing, you know, your moon sign and your mother. I really enjoyed it. So, uh, yeah, look her up. She's great. Um, so yeah, your moon sign is just, it's, it's how your feelings are expressed.
Um, for example, my moon sign is in Capricorn, it's a common thing where they say that people with moon and Capricorn, uh, have very, very boring, dry, monotonous voices that are really hard to listen to, which I was actually a little bit nervous about doing this podcast because of that, because I get worried that, oh, like maybe I have that, that boring Capricorn moon voice. Um, which hopefully, hopefully I don't. Um, but yeah, so for example, like I'm a Capricorn moon and, you know, I, I'm a very sensitive emotional person. I don't always show it. Um, because, you know, Capricorn is a very, it's an earth science with Capricorns, not, not very emotional, like they kind of hold strong and keep calm under pressure and, um, you know, stay focused on their goals. Um, so like I have like a lot of emotions, but I kinda, I kinda bury them a little bit with my moon and Capricorn.
I'm on top of that. You know, I have my moon in Capricorn and Capricorns all about hard work and setting new goals and reaching those goals. So, you know, it's funny because I always say, you know, I'm not happy unless I have some project or something to work on. I love to see progress and when I'm not seeing progress, what I'm, when I feel as though I'm making an effort towards something, I get very frustrated. Um, and so that's kind of, you know, work is kind of where I find my emotional fulfillment. Um, and, you know, as far as Leo, how I perceive my mother. Um, it was funny after I first watched that video about Alyssa sharp saying, uh, you know, that your moon sign is how you perceive your mother. Because I thought about that after and I was like, ah, I don't see it.
My mom's so not like a Capricorn. I'm, my mom's a cancer by the way, for anyone who's wondering. And I thought about it later and I, I thought about how a Capricorn is all about hard work. And growing up, my mom was always on me to get a job from the time I was like 10 or 11. Um, you know, she was always telling me like, I need to work harder and try harder and do better. She was constantly pushing me to work more. Um, which I think because of that it kind of attribute, it goes along with like my, a Capricorn moon traits of, you know, being kind of a workaholic and being very engrossed in my work because I'm always trying to work harder and you know, do better. And I, you know, I never feel like I'm doing enough, even when I'm doing everything I possibly can.
I still don't feel like I'm doing enough and I need to work harder or try harder, do more. Um, another example, so my fiance Blake, he, he has his moon in Taurus. Um, people with mood and tourists, you know, they really love soft things and food, especially good food in like really flavorful food. Um, you know, they find a lot of comfort in listening to music and, you know, they just, there are people that really like to be just comfortable. Um, they don't really like to be uncomfortable. Um, they do like, you know, putting in work, but I will say, I don't think they always like doing physical labor. Um, and they're really good with their money. I've noticed even though they do like to s, you know, maybe splurge here and there and things that they like, um, people with, you know, Moon in Taurus or actually people with a moon in any earth sign, um, really like to just have a lot of financial security, um, because without it they get really uncomfortable.
Um, so yeah, and you know, um, you know, it's funny too, I, I wasn't, I always say like, I'm not going to go through all the signs, but I'm kind of thinking maybe I should go through all the signs and do, you know, explain them just the elements so you can get like a general overview without me talking for hours and hours about all the signs. Um, so yeah, I kinda just went over the earth signs. So if you have a mood and an earth sign, which is Capricorn Taurus or, um, Virgo. Wow, that's my sun sign and I forgot that one. Um, so yeah, if you have an earth sign moon, like you really like financial security, you really like to be comfortable. You, you're a hard worker because really all I will say all three of their assigned to very driven and hardworking in their own way.
Um, so yeah, so if you're in our sign, like you just really like stability and security and those are the things that make you happy and give you the emotional fulfillment that you want and need. Um, moving on from that, I'll talk about people who have their moon in a water sign. Um, so the water signs or Scorpio, Pisces and cancer. If your moon sign is in either of those signs that you have, your, you're a water moon person. Um, I will say that the water, the water signs tend to be a lot more temperamental. Um, because water is very sensitive. Um, if you're a water sign, you're very sensitive. You tend to take on the emotions of people around you. You can be really empathetic. Um, because you're so emotional. This can be detrimental sometimes because sometimes it can be unhealthy the way you handle and express your feelings.
Um, you can, you know, you might even feel psychic in a sense because, because of the fact that the water sensors so sensitive, you're very in touch with your intuition. And so you kind of pick up on, you know, when things aren't right or when things aren't going right and you know, when someone's sad or upset. Um, because of this, you can also be, you know, a very nurturing person, um, because of the fact that, you know, you know, when someone's website, you know how to take care of someone when they're feeling down. Um, personal example of someone with a water moons side, my sister is a Scorpio moon and I've, you know, I've met a lot of other people of Scorpio moons as well, and they are so intense with their emotions. Um, you know, they, they can be really sweet and I've noticed they tend to either really love stuff and they're all giddy about it or they hate something and they just, that's it.
It's very black and white. They hate it. Um, and you know, it's funny, my sister is probably one of the most, like, she's very feisty. Um, she, she won't walk away from a fight. Um, she's definitely not someone you would, you want to fight with. Um, she's kind of bad ass, but yeah, it's, people with Scorpio Moon is like you, you don't want to pick a fight with them. They will. And your existence basically. Um, they're the kind of people that will like tear you to shreds if you mess with them. Um, you know, like they, they, they don't like to back down basically. Um, which is sometimes a good thing. Sometimes it's not so good. Um, the next one I want to talk about it as the fire signs. When you have your moon sign in a fire sign, which the fire science, our Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, um, people with a fire, they're going to be more ego driven.
The things that are going to make them happy or things are going to be fulfilling to them or things that will make them feel good is going to be related to um, how they present themselves and what people think about themselves. Um, they're also probably a little bit more social and they liked to go out and have fun because you know, having friends and stuff tends to reinforce someone's ego. Those are the kind of things that they're going to gravitate towards that where it could be their work or their status. I'm having a good high status, um, are the things that are going to, you know, make them look and feel good. Um, and they probably really like compliments. Um, so yeah, and I'd say that's pretty much the, the fire moods. They're also very blunt and direct with people and they're not afraid to kind of like go there, um, if they feel it's necessary.
Um, the next element I'm going to talk about in the last one is the air signs. Um, so if you have your moon and an air sign, the air signs are Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. Um, these moons are very, they're very quick. Witted they're very intellectual. They like to learn. Um, they're very good with words and communication. Um, I think they tend to, they're like logical to the Earth Center, very logical. And I think the way they handle and process their emotions is through logic. So it almost seems as if they don't have emotions, which, um, they do have emotions, they just kind of handle them differently. They might really like to talk about their emotions with people that they're comfortable with, or maybe they just don't, I think they tend to like over rationalize or over analyze their, their feelings to the point where they're just, you know, they're like, okay, well that's not, it's not logical for me to feel this way, so I'm going to pretend like it's not happening.
Um, you know, or they just kind of bury them. Um, it's funny. Heirs, people with air moons are still kind of a mystery to me. I haven't known enough of them to really fully understand them. Um, but that's, that's kind of what have I imagine. They're like, um, which if, you know, like I said earlier, if you disagree or you have better input, like shoot me an email. I'm always looking for people to talk about astrology with, um, hence why I'm doing this podcast by myself, by the way. Um, because I don't have enough friends at like one, a podcast and also like, you know, talk about astrology. But anyways, um, so yeah, those are your elements of all the moons and all those things are gonna vary. You know, depending on the sign, because while they are all connected through similar elements, you know, every site has their own individual traits in placements.
Um, I guess this week's blog post is going to be all about, you know, how, what, what, what traits are associated with the signs, you know, when they're, when they're, you know, in your moon. I don't know why that was so hard for me to say. Um, so like last week I posted about the traits of the Sun Times. So basically this week I'm going to post where all the traits of the Zodiac Signs Express through the moon and the moon's signs. Um, so yeah, I'll, I'll link that in the show notes, keep an eye out for it. Um, and yeah, that's, that's your moon sign and yeah, I think, I think that covers just about everything I wanted to talk about in this episode. Um, lastly, if you like the way I sound a checkout, um, Michael Dean's website creamy radio audio.com I will link in the description because he helped me get, you know, kind of not helped.
Well, yeah, he helped a little bit. He gave me the resources to set up this podcast. So a huge shout out to Michael Dean from the freedom feens podcast. Um, if you would like to expand your mind more past this podcast, go check them out. They're pretty cool. Um, so yeah, uh, that is pretty much everything I am going to say in this podcast. Um, yeah, so I guess I'm gonna sign off of here and maybe go take a nap or do something else before I have to go to my other job later. Um, so yeah, thank you for listening and I'll catch you next time on the space witch podcast.
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