
Tuesday Nov 27, 2018
3: ”No Mud, No Lotus” Venus Retrograde
Tuesday Nov 27, 2018
Tuesday Nov 27, 2018
What's up Witches!? This week's episode is all about exploring the effects of Venus Retrograde.
This pod covers:
- What Venus Retrograde is
- The purpose of Venus Retrograde
- How to navigate Venus Retrograde
- Why you're NOT doomed!
- The do's and dont's of Venus Retrograde
My Website: www.spacewitchastrology.org
Instagram: @spacewitchastrology
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/spacewitchastrology/
E-mail (business inquiries ONLY): spacewitchpodcast@gmail.com
Welcome to episode three of the space witch podcast, what's up guys? Um, so it's like 11 o'clock at night. I just randomly decided to film this episode. I'm honestly so, so tired. Um, I should probably be sleeping right now, but I'm not. Um, I haven't really been able to sleep for like a couple of weeks now. And yeah, I don't know, my mind's just so busy at night. I figured tonight I would kind of just wait to go to bed and, you know, let my mind wander and kind of burn itself out until I get tired, which I think I'm just about there. But, uh, I dunno, I, I've been toggling around with like a lot of random stuff today and you know, do you ever just feel like, you know, you're doing, you're trying to do all this stuff to, you know, make something work and then you know, it doesn't work and you get frustrated so you get a lot of things half done but don't actually like finish anything. That's kind of how I've been feeling the last couple of days and today in particular. So I figured if I at least record a podcast episode, I'll feel like I at least did something with my day. I didn't just, you know, half do a bunch of, you know, random things. Um, so that's what's going on with me right now. Um, let's talk about what's going on in the planets.
You are now listening to the space which podcast your one stop guide to the stars, self-discovery, understanding the people around you in a logical explanation for all your other weird life experiences. Get all your questions answered right here. I'm your host Whitney Levesque.
Welcome to episode three of the space. Which podcast? What's up guys? Um, so it's like 11 o'clock at night. I just randomly decided to film this episode. Um, I'm honestly so, so tired. Um, I should probably be sleeping right now, but I'm not. Um, I haven't really been able to sleep for like a couple of weeks now. And yeah, I don't know. My mind is just so busy at night. I figured tonight I would kind of just wait to go to bed and you know, let my mind wander and kind of burn itself out until I get tired, which I think I'm just about there. But, uh, I dunno, I, I've been toggling around with like a lot of random stuff today and you know, do you ever just feel like, you know, you're doing, you're trying to do all this stuff to, you know, make something work and then, you know, it doesn't work and you get frustrated so you get a lot of things half done but don't actually like finish anything.
That's kind of how I've been feeling the last couple of days and today in particular. So I figured if I at least record podcast episode, I'll feel like I at least did something with my day. I didn't just, you know, half do a bunch of, you know, random things. Um, so that's what's going on with me right now. Um, let's talk about what's going on in the planets. Um, today I actually wanted to talk about a Venus retrograde more in depth a little bit. Now that we're officially in Venus retrograde. I know I talked about it some on my last podcast. Um, but I just, I really want him to talk about it because I know I personally, I am feeling this retrograde so hard. I was feeling it a little bit before. Um, it started, uh, initially, um, which I think with retrogrades it's funny, the shadows are always a little more intensive than were actually in it.
Um, I noticed the same thing with mercury retrograde. It's like, you know, going in and out of it, it's like really intense and then in the middle you kind of like settle in and it's okay. Um, but yeah, I dunno. It's, um, it's crazy. It is so crazy. Um, yeah, so basically if you guys remember anything I kind of mentioned in my last post, sorry, not post. Um, last episode a retrogrades are basically when a planet appears to be moving backwards, um, all the planets can go retrograde. Um, and uh, yeah. So sorry. I'm so tired guys. Bear with me here. It's going to be a tough one. Um, so yeah, when a planet goes retrograde basically just appears to be moving backwards, like if you were looking at it from down here on earth. Um, but it, it's an optical illusion. It's not really moving backwards.
Um, so they say that when a planet goes backwards or is in retrograde, that the energy that the planet gives us gives off, is moving backward and not wow god, uh, the struggle Israel. Um, yeah. So it's moving backwards. I've said that like six times already. You get it. Um, and so yeah, the energy becomes internalized. That's the word I was looking forward to really. It was internalized. Um, yeah, so the energy becomes internalized and when, um, more personal planets like mercury and Venus go retrograde and there were being internalized like this, what happens a lot is, um, we tend to be kind of like distracted and in our head, and it's interesting because, you know, we see this a lot. Like it's more intense obviously with mercury retrograde, you know, people forget stuff. We forget to text people back. We forget to respond to emails.
You forget to check things, you know, this is how we end up in these crazy situations during mercury retrograde. Because, you know, we're all like in our head and you know, we're focused on other things that, you know, everything else on the outside we just totally forget about. Um, so I, it's interesting because I noticed us a lot more with Venus retrograde as well, not to quite to the same extent as mercury retrograde. Um, but I have noticed that, you know, people tend to forget certain things or things are a little bit delayed. Um, you know, just like, just like mercury retrograde. And I think we're all in our head about, you know, what do we want? How do we want to make money? How do we want to change our appearance? Maybe, um, maybe, you know, we think about our relationship problems or past relationships, uh, because there's, I was reading something earlier about, it was like the three things of Venus rules and those three things are, you know, luxury, beauty, um, money, finances, because you know, Venus is like abundance and wealth. And then the last thing is love and relationships. So those three things we get really put under the microscope during Venus retrograde.
Um, so you know, right now, like we know we're all thinking about these things. So for some people, you know, you might have relationship issues that you know, need to be dealt with at are popping up again. You might break up with someone. So when my break up with you, you might have an x that comes back from your past and you know, maybe they want to hook up, maybe they want to reconnect. Uhm, you know, it's just taking us to, it's just, it's just making us take a step back and kind of reevaluate and rethink all of these things that, um, you know, may not have served us in the past or, you know, maybe we're trying to get rid of things that aren't serving us currently. Um, maybe you're reconsidering getting, you know, a tattoo or getting your hair done or getting a piercing or do you know, maybe plastic surgery if that's, if that's your thing.
Um, maybe those are the things you're thinking about. Or maybe you want to go shopping and spend all this money or maybe you want to, um, you know, buy some new stuff and get, you know, get some shiny things. Um, maybe, you know, it's just like so much. And so what I'm trying to say is, um, you know, these, these are the things that are just going to be effecting us during Venus retrograde. I know, like I keep kind of noticing it's only been like a couple, not even a couple of days. I think what's today the sixth, I think I'm recording this on the first day of the retrograde, but I'm already noticing, you know, the effects of it. I have been noticing the effects. Like, you know, I've been really good with saving my money and all of a sudden I'm like, Ooh, shiny things. Like I want this and I want that.
And like, oh, it's just, you know, it's a couple of bucks, whatever. And I really have to reel it in and remind myself that, you know, I don't need to spend all this money right now. I need to wait. Um, you know, same thing, like, you know, relationship issues. I'm me personally. Like my relationship has been, um, you know, a lot past issues have been kind of being brought up again and I'm having to revisit those and work on them. And you know, you have to remind yourself not to do anything drastic because it's a retrograde and sometimes, you know, we make decisions during retrogrades that we think are going to be good for us. And then, you know, once we go out of retrograde in the planet goes direct again and we might realize we might not have made the best decision. Um, because we are all in our head at the time.
So, you know, it's really good to be mindful of retrogrades and to, you know, you can't put your life on pause for a retro grade. You can't just, you know, a hide and not do anything, even though I'm sure, like we'd all love to just like lay on the couch and watch Netflix for a couple of weeks, you know, I mean, I know I would love to do that. Um, 'cause I love Netflix. But anyway. Um, yeah. So we can't, we can't hide from these things. These are things we kind of have to deal with. But I think knowing, just taking this step and knowing that retro grades are a thing that we need to be conscious of, that can just help us so much, to be way more mindful. I'm moving forward so when we have these urges to spend that money or get back with our x or you know, we're fighting with someone we're in a relationship with or dealing with these problems.
It makes us, it makes us, but it helps us to take a step back and kind of reevaluate what we're doing and think about, you know, what's working, what's not working. Um, really that's just the purpose of a retro grade. Um, for any planet really. Not even just, you know, Venus retrograde, but all retrogrades you know, retrogrades are always about, you know, re-planning rethinking, reevaluating, just really taking that time to check in with yourself. And this is actually why I love retro grades. A lot of people are like, oh my God, I hate retrogrades. I just want to hide. I don't want to do anything, I'm just going to like lock myself in the house for months. And I just, I dunno, I, I had this one mercury retrograde a couple months ago, maybe a year ago. It was, it feels more recent than I was. And you know, obviously it had its challenges, but, um, I just kind of, I learned to embrace it.
I just, you know, I, what I did was I just reminded myself to be aware of it and double check everything, you know, make sure you have all your ducks in a row, you know, checks and things once, twice, three times so you're not forgetting anything. And then honestly, I kind of learned to just enjoy this, um, this quiet energy, cause I don't know if you guys noticed, but when personal plans like mercury and Venus go into retrograde, things just are so much quieter and really it's, it's kind of Nice, you know, because I know we want to lock ourselves up and we can, um, you know, it is a, it is kind of a good time to do that even though I just said, you know, the opposite. Um, but things are just quieter and it's really kind of Nice to just spend some time with yourself and take that inventory.
Or even like, one of my favorite things to do do during a retrograde is do, you know, go visit friends or family that I haven't seen in a while or I haven't hung out with. There was something really, I dunno, just like cozy in a way about, you know, retrogrades and hanging out with, you know, people you haven't seen in awhile. I know I've talked about past relationships and meeting up with people. Um, which kind of, I guess those, they kind of tie into each other. Um, but even just hanging out with friends at like, you hang out with a lot. Um, you know, like that's, that's like the good way to kind of harness the retro grade energy. I would say, you know, don't make any drastic decisions. If someone was, you know, treated you poorly in the past, don't go back to them, you know, stand up for yourself, stand up for yourself.
No, no, your worth know. You know what your value is as a person. Don't allow people to keep treating you like crap. But you know, look at it this, I maybe you have a friend that you just haven't connected with in a while and you know, you didn't really have a bad falling out, but you know, you just kind of lost touch. This is a good time to reach out to those people and, you know, hang out with them and just, you know, enjoy each other's company. You know, put your phone down, uh, reconnect with, you know, people like in person, like go get coffee, go get a drink, go, you know, go out to dinner or lunch, you know, do something fun. And just, you know, really like, you know, see what people are up to, ask how they're doing. Um, you know, let them know what you're doing.
It can be really, um, you know, therapeutic and Cathartic sometimes to just use this quiet time to just hang out with people. Um, you know, I, I personally like I said before, I really, really enjoy it and that's why I love, love retro grades. Um, you know, a lot of people just, you know, I know every time mercury goes into retrograde, you know, everyone freaks out and they're like, oh, time for two weeks of how, like, I'm going to hate this and you know, Yada, Yada, Yada, but really like, you know, you just got to work with it. And that's the thing. Like, you know, people think all these placements and planets and aspects and astrology are bad and they're not bad. They're just challenging, which, you know, that sounds very, um, I don't know how to explain it. I guess it sounds, it's like a, almost like a buzzword and the astrology community.
I don't think everyone likes to hear like, oh, it's not bad. It's just challenging cause it sounds like we're, you know, we're sugarcoating things and trying to make things sound like there's something they're not. But really, you know, life is all about balance and you have good things and you have bad things and you know, really you can't have one without the other and bad things are really just, you know, they're here to, you know, show you the good things and to kind of get you to either get your shit together or you know, highlight like how good other things are. And you know, they're, they're just important. Like you can't, I said this in my last podcast too, but you know, it's like I said, it's, you know, no mud, no lotus. If you know, you don't go through the mud, you're not going to get the Lotus.
And I'm probably going to say this so much because I love that saying, um, because I think it's so beautiful. I actually, I have a Lotus Tattoo on my side because I love that saying so much and it's totally something I live by. Like I in the kind of person who, you know, when I face challenges and hardships, my day to day life, I, you know, yeah. I'm like, I'm a person, I get upset, I get frustrated, I get discouraged. But you know, I really love to work through these things because I love to see like a better outcome and you know, it sucks, you know. Um, you know, I was talking to one of my, my astrologer friends like a couple of years ago and I was like, I just was talking to them and I was like, you know, isn't it weird that I kind of can't wait for my Saturn return only because I just want to see the good that's going to come out of it.
And she was just like, girl, you are crazy. She's like, I've never met anyone that's excited for their Saturn return. And I was like, I know, I know it's totally crazy, but I can't wait just because I want to see like, you know, cause I know something good's gonna come out of it. And that's the thing with any bad situation as you know, you go through the bad to get the good and you know, it's important that when you are in those good spots in life to, you know, take time to appreciate them because everything is temporary, which is, you know, a good thing and it's also a good reminder to stay present. Um, that's totally something I try to incorporate into my everyday life, um, especially with these retro. So anyways, I'm totally getting off topic. Um, but going back to Venus retrograde, um, yeah.
So, oh my God, I'm so uncomfortable. I'm sitting on my couch and I'm uncomfortable. How's this happening? Um, anyway, and another thing I just wanted to kind of highlight, um, so another thing that's going to help you navigate a Venus retrograde, getting back on topic, um, I'm really like, I'm just, I promise I'm trying to get the hang of this podcast thing. Um, so another thing I really wanted to highlight was that with Venus retrogrades, with any retrogrades, it's so important to find out what house in your chart that the planet is retrograding in, because this is going to give you a lot more insight into what is currently going on in your life right now. Um, and what is going to, you know, like what it just, it Kinda just shows you what areas you're going to be focusing on and highlighting during, you know, however many weeks that mercury or Venus or any planet is in retrograde.
So for example, um, right now, like Venus is retrograde again, Scorpio and it's in my nine pounds. So the 9,000 is all about, you know, higher education and learning and travel, long distance travel, um, you know, things like that, spirituality, religion, and right now and so Venus is all about, like I said before, it's about money, love, relationships, uh, luxury beauty. And I thought it was interesting that, um, you know, so Venus can also be related to like things like fame and popularity and stuff like that. And like I said before, money. Um, and it was just interesting cause you know, like retro grades, they get you to revisit the past. And um, some of you might know this, some of you might not know. I run a Vegan food blog called it's a plentiful life. I will link it in the description and the show notes if you want to go check that out.
Um, I really, really love food and I love cooking and I love Vegan food more specifically. Um, if that's something you're into, go check it out. Um, and so anyways, I kind of did this on and off for a while working on this blog. And you know, it's something I'm really passionate about, but it's, you know, with my day job it's really hard to keep up with it. And so as we're going into this retrograde, I, you know, decided to just like kick it into gear and start, you know, working on this blog again and I'm still trying to do little things to, you know, work on it. Like I said before, I am frustrated a little bit currently because I keep trying to do stuff and then I hit a wall and then I get frustrated and then I just tried to do something else.
It seems easier when really I just need to suck it up and you know, fix the problems that I'm having and push through it so I can have, you know, better quality content on my blog. Um, and, you know, so right now, like that's, it's interesting because in this retrograde with, you know, Venus retrograding in my ninth house, which is all about, you know, money and having it there in higher learning, like I've been educating myself more lately on how we can, you know, take my blog to that next level. How can I make my blog better? Um, I've actually been listening a lot to the gold digger podcast by Jenna Kutcher. I love, love, love her podcast. It's so funny because I listened to her podcast a few years ago. Um, when I, before I moved to Maine and you know, I, I had my blog then and it was new and I kind of just worked on it when I could and I really just wasn't in the space to, um, consistently make blog posts then.
I'm still not fully there, but I'm working on it. And you know, I tried to listen to her podcast a while ago cause I was like, someone told me about it and I was like, oh, that sounds cool. And I started listening to and I was like, ah, none of this applies to me. This is all like way above my head and you know, fast forward two years and you know, I'm revisiting my blog and listening to this podcast and I am so inspired by the things that she posts. Um, and the thing she says, she has like such a great personality and like, you know, the way she talks and delivers her message is so inspiring. And I've learned so much about creating content and blogging and Instagram and all the fun stuff from listening to her podcast. I'm so, if that's also something you're interested to interested in, uh, please go check it out.
Um, I'm not, you know, I'm not sponsored or anything. I know I currently don't really have any sponsors. I just really love her podcast. Um, so anyways, I've been doing all this extra learning about creating content, which is, you know, going back to what I said before, it's the ninth house, that higher education, that higher learning, um, in Sagittarius cause that's what the ninth house rules. Even though my non Tufts is tactically in Scorpio. Um, and you know, Scorpio is all about passion and desires and what you love. And I love my food blog. I love eating food, I love talking about food, I love, um, making food and creating recipes. So I am, you know, doing all that I can to really reconnect and get back to that. And you know, it's so funny how the universe sort of works because like I said, you know, a few years ago I was so not interested in working on this project at all and doing this blog.
I mean, I was, but like I just, I didn't have the room to flourish because I wasn't in my own space. I was in a very difficult, um, living situation at the time. And it just, you know, living with other people, it just like didn't allow me to do that. So now I'm like living on my own. I have my own space and I just feel like, you know, the universe is just presented me with this all the space and opportunity to really flourish and follow my dreams and my passions and even do things like this podcast. Like, you know, a couple of years ago, I couldn't have done this podcast at 1130 at night and living with, you know, like six other people, like, trust me, like it wouldn't have been quiet enough for me to do this podcast. And, you know, here I am, you know, with my cat sleeping over on the couch next to me and you know, my fiance's sleeping upstairs and I just have all this space to myself and it's so wonderful.
Um, so, you know, just, you know, pay attention to what I guess the universe or whatever you believe in is, you know, telling you right now with this Venus retrograde, um, you can go on Google and you know, find out what you know. I think astro.com has some really good, you know, great tools for finding out what house, the current, you know, um, retrograde planets are transiting through or all the planets are transiting through. So pay attention to that and see what it's highlighting. Um, really quickly, I think I'm just, what I'm going to do is I'll, I'll try to give you guys a quick rundown of what, um, what this retrograde is going to be like for you, um, and um, through all the houses. Um, so I'll explain that really quick. Also, hopefully there isn't too much background noise from me moving my mic around.
My back is actually killing me from trying to sit up straight because I have terrible posture, so, and I can't get my mic stand to like adjust to where I want it. So I'm holding my mic for the rest of the episode so that I can sit and be comfortable. Um, so yeah, I'm just going to quickly explain like Venus retrograde through all the houses and how those might be affecting you right now. Um, so starting with the first house, the first house is all about your identity and your appearance specifically. It's all about the physical body because the first house is associated with Aries. Um, which areas is all about like, you know, the physical and tangible and ego and how you look and how you appeared to people when you meet them in person and stuff. Um, so if you have Venus retro grading three, your first house, um, you might be dealing with, you know, issues you have with your appearance, your self esteem, how people see you, how you come off to people.
Um, you might have a B having to kind of check in with you, how you come across and what your general attitude is towards, um, people that you, you know, just, just the way you come off and like, you know, your, your personal relationships. Um, and stuff like that because that's, you know, all the stuff that has to do with that. So that's going to be a big emphasis for you right now. I'm on your second house. If you have Venus retrograde in your second house, you might be revisiting things having to do with finances cause your second house, it relates with tourists and horse, you know, things or um, maybe not finances but your material possessions or um, you know, this could also maybe tie in a little bit with your self worth or what you're good at or your talents. Um, how you express yourself.
This is, these are all things that are going to be highlighted for you during this Venus retrograde. I would also say that, you know, be extra cautious with your money if you have Venus retrograde in your second house because uh, the second house is a money house and Venus retrograding there. It just trust me, like be extra cautious. You're probably going to be very, very tempted to spend money that you might not be able to spend right now. So just watch out for that. Um, moving onto the third house. The third house is um, you know, real by Geminis, so that's all he think and communicate. Um, it can also be like, you know, your siblings or your neighbors or things to do with your neighborhood kind of a thing. Um, so with your Venus retrograde in your third house, you might have issues, uh, that are reoccurring with your siblings or, um, maybe you have neighbors that you don't get along with, uh, people that you're like very close to.
Um, this could even be like, um, you might have a lot of like inner, like mental struggles or issues with like communication. Um, this can also have to do with like short distance travel. Um, so things pertaining to that might be an issue for you right now. Um, I want to say maybe you might have like car issues or something. I don't know why. I just think that because I'm thinking like short distance travel and cars and you know, money. So like maybe you, you might end up having to pay like a lot of money to get your car fixed with Venus retrograde in your third house. Um, maybe not. I'm kind of just throwing that out there. Uh, moving onto your fourth house, the fourth house is all about cancer stuff and cancer is all about the home and being home and being all snuggly in your house.
That's kind of what I think of when I think of cancer. Um, so having Venus retrograde in cancer and your fourth house, uh, you might have a lot of family issues going on right now or maybe you might have issues going on with your home. Maybe you want to buy a bigger house, but you can't afford it. Or maybe you have, um, maybe you're fighting with like your parents or someone else in your family. Um, I know I mentioned siblings in the last one, but the, again, the fourth house is all about familial issues. Maybe you have a son or daughter or an aunt or an uncle that you're fighting with right now. Um, you know, or maybe you're just having some sort of issues with your house or maybe another thing is maybe you want to buy a lot of decorations to decorate your house.
Um, you know, maybe you're like walking through the aisles at target and seeing all the, you, all the, all the shiny things at target, you know, because really, you know, what's the joke about how, you know, you don't go to target to get stuff. Target tells you what you need. Some of you might be dealing with that a lot right now, especially with Venus retro getting in your Fourth House. I know, I always struggle with that. Just, you know, in general as like a personal thing anyway, um, when we ended the fifth house, so the fifth house is all about children and it's about fun and play and gambling. So with Venus and your second house, um, be very, very careful with this because you know, it's, you might lose a lot of money through gambling or maybe you want to go out and party with your friends and you don't have money to do that right now.
And you know, that's just really highlighting, you know, that stuff right now. Maybe you have friends that like, you know, they want to go out and you know, you keep saying yes but you really shouldn't. Or maybe you might have issues with your kids if you have kids. Um, and again, I know I mentioned family and the last two, but like really the third, fourth and fifth houses are all very um, family based and very like they say, if you have a lot of planets like towards the bottom of your natal chart, you're a very private person. Um, so like it would make sense to all three of those have a lot to do with things like, you know, your family and pride that matters, such as that. Um, so yeah, that's your fifth house. So like, just be careful, like, you know, don't you know, you might want to like drink a lot or you might go gambling, um, you, you, you might lose a lot of money through doing this stuff.
So be careful with that. Um, same thing. Like you might want to buy accessories, like, yeah, I don't know. Maybe you want to buy your kids clothes or uh, you know, again, you're just, you're, you might just want to spend a lot of money on like fun things, which I totally get because I feel that way all the time. Um, but yeah, just be careful and you know, maybe you're re evaluating things I have to do with that. Maybe you're reconsidering rethinking, um, maybe before Venus went retrograde, you went out too much or you drink too much or you gambled too much and now you're taking the time to reassess and reevaluate those things. Um, going onto the sixth house, your sixth house is the Virgo house. Um, it's all about routines and health and um, it can even be about servitude and how you serve others.
So maybe in this Venus retrograde you find that you are, you know, giving away too much to others and you're doing too much people pleasing and maybe you're realizing you need to stop. Maybe that's an issue in your relationship right now with Venus are maybe you are in a one sided relationship where you're giving, giving, giving, and you are not getting anything in return. Um, that's going to be greatly highlighted in this Venus retrograde for you. Um, another thing might be like maybe you're not taking care of yourself the way you should be and that's popping back up. Um, maybe it's costing you a lot of money. You know, maybe, um, I don't know, maybe you want to spend a lot of money on things that are going to affect your everyday life. Maybe you want to be more productive or maybe you want to lose weight or maybe you want to, you know, do all these things to better yourself.
Um, so you know, you really just take that time to check in with yourself and find out what you really need and what serving you. It's not serving you with Venus in the sixth house during this retrograde. Um, moving on to the seventh house. So the seventh house with Vietnam retrograde, you know, Venus is really an hits home here because Venus is ruled by Libra in Libra rules the seventh house. So this is going to be all about your partnerships and relationships. Um, these things are going to be especially highlighted during this Venus retrograde. I mean really like you're really, relationships can be highlighted, you know, anywhere in your chart with Venus retrograde because that's what Venus is, is partnerships and relationships. But really if it's in your seventh that's, it's going to be even more prominent because like I said, it's in, it's a home here.
So, um, you're going to be really kind of checking in with, you know, how are your relationships with maybe not just a romantic partner, but how are you relating to other people just in general, um, you know, take a look at your business partnerships. You might have some issues there or take a look at your friendships. Um, or you know, like I said, familial relationships maybe, um, this is going to be very greatly a highlighted, um, under this and you know, um, yeah, so, so yeah. Um, like I said, I'd take time to reassess, reconsider, thinking about what you're doing. Um, don't be impulsive and yeah, moving onto the eighth house, eighth house. The eighth house is Scorpio stuff. So this is going to be all about like, you know, death, sex, taboo, um, endings and beginnings cycles. Um, addictions or obsessions is also going to highlight other people's finances and other people's possession.
So, um, where he talked about the second house where the second house is, you know, your money, the eighth house on the opposite end of the is going to be other people's money. Um, maybe you have a partner or a spouse that is, you know, they spend too much money or they gamble too much or you know, they, maybe there are a hoarder or something. Um, maybe, you know, maybe you're in a relationship where your partner makes all the money in your relationship and they like the breadwinner, maybe they have issues with their job, um, where there's an issue pertaining to their job that like, heaps, you know, recurring. Maybe you are. Um, man, I don't know. Maybe you are stuck on a cycle where you are, you know, addicted, are obsessed with one thing and it's really detrimental to you. Venus retrogrades going to get you to reevaluate that and reassess that.
Um, and really think about what's going to help you and what's not going to help you. Maybe even like you have a partnership or a hookup, like an old hook up, like someone used to hook up with and they're really hot and you're just really deeply attracted to them and they're not good for you, but you want to be with them or you maybe you want to hook up with them again. Um, try to resist this urge cause you're going to feel it when Venus is retrograde thing through your eighth house. Like this. I'm moving onto your ninth house. Like I said before. Um, if you're like me and you have Venus which are getting your ninth house right now, you might be looking back at your past projects. You might be dabbling in some learning to work on projects to make money. Um, you might be planning a trip, you might have, you know, maybe you're spending a lot of money on vacations or you want to, anyway, um, so maybe you might, you might take a really big fun trip that my, uh, put you in a lot of debt or something. Um, or maybe you're just reevaluating those things. Maybe you did that before and you're thinking, you know how maybe you should stop doing that. Maybe you're reevaluating your religion or your spiritual beliefs right now. Um, who, yeah.
All right. We're almost there. Almost done. So, um, moving on to the 10th house. That's Capricorn stuff. So that's going to be your public persona, your work, your career. Um, your Internet persona persona is Alyssa sharp. Likes to call it this is, um, yeah, with Venus retro getting there, you're going to be reevaluating how you come off to the public. So back, going back to your first house when I talked about, you know, how you just kind of come off to others, like in person, you're going to be reevaluating your public persona. You might eat, you know, if you're someone who's in the public law or you know, maybe even just a few of Facebook, even you, you don't have to be famous really, but you know, maybe you post an inappropriate Facebook status and you know, that gets you to rethink, you know, maybe I shouldn't have done that.
Maybe I should think before he posts stuff. Um, or maybe you're like someone who likes to get drunk and go on social media and you just post really inappropriate things all the time. Uh, you know, this is going to be something that's going to be popping up for you, um, during this Venus retrograde. Um, it can also be like, you know, your career, maybe you're reevaluating your career and how you make money. Um, maybe you want to buy more things are going to help you with your business or make you look better to the public.
Um, what else? What else? What else?
Mm hmm. MMM.
Maybe you're having issues with you know, your life purpose or,
or maybe you're going to have like, you know, your daddy issues recurring or your, you know, issues with authority figures or father figures. Um, these are all things that are going to be reconsidered during this Venus retrograde for you. If you have that moving on to the 11th house, the 11th house is going to be all about your community and your friends and your network and people you surround yourself with. Um, so this Venus retrograde for you is going to be all about revisiting, um, any issues you might have with your friends or your network or, um, maybe you'll have some like issues with technology maybe or your community. Um, it's going to be about like bigger things than just you. So it's not going to be like, I don't know how to explain it. It probably won't be you problems. It might be like the world's problems that are really getting to you and there things that you're going to revisit during this retrograde.
Um, so yeah, those are all going to be things that are going to be coming up. And lastly, the 12th house, the dreaded 12th House that a lot of people are afraid of. Um, this is another house is all about like endings. It's the Pisces House. So it's very spiritual and dreamy and mysterious and um, it is all about like delusions and fears and isolation. Um, which is why it kind of scares people. Um, and spirituality and yeah. So with this placement, you're really going to be digging into your subconscious and your dreams and really, really trying to get into your psyche and figure out what it is that you need and what you don't need. And maybe you're going to be, you know, maybe you'll start going to therapy during this when we were going to pay money to see a therapist and maybe it'll be helpful.
Maybe it won't be helpful. Maybe you'll be revisiting old relationship traumas or things that have happened to you. Um, you know, the 12th House, the way I see it as all about really getting into that nitty gritty stuff and really figuring out, you know, what's helping you and what's hurting you from a subconscious level. Um, so that's going to be something that comes up a lot for you during this Venus retrograde and yeah, that's it. That is all your houses for the Venus retrograde. I think I just about hit my time mark with the head. Um, it's funny, I started off like really nervous to do this podcast and I was like, yeah, like I guess I'll just type up like a script and just sort of loosely scripted. So the first episode I did, like I did a script, but obviously I didn't, I didn't follow it completely.
I just kind of wrote it down because I would start talking and then I'd forget stuff. And here I am now just, you know, doing a full, almost 40 minute podcast just with no script. I'm really proud of myself right now. You guys. Um, yeah. So anyways, um, yeah, I should probably go to bed. It's almost midnight. Um, I am a creature of the night at this point, I guess. Um, but I'm also exhausted and I'm really glad I got to take the time to talk to you guys about Venus retrograde and go over all of that with you. Hopefully you got something good out of it. Um, if you like this podcast, share it with a friend, share it with two friends. Um, I'm, I dunno, leave, I guess I want to say like leave a review, but I'm not even on iTunes just yet. Um, I dunno, I'm on soundcloud, so maybe like my, like my episode or leave a comment on soundcloud.
Um, but just so you guys know, I am trying to get this podcast up on iTunes and Spotify. It's just taking me a little bit of while taking a little bit of a while, taking the a little while because I, what of the things I have to do is recover my iPhone account. I've had to change my phone number like three times over the last like two years. Um, just because my life has been so hectic and crazy between, uh, some personal issues I had with my family and, um, or sorry, between some personal issues I had and you know, moving out of state, I had to get a whole new number and I don't even have access to my phone right now, but yeah. So I have to recover my iTunes account, which I guess takes like 15 days or ridiculous. So I'm waiting on that.
And then once they get that situated, I'll probably be trying to get this up on Spotify and once I do that, please feel free to leave me a review. That would be so, so awesome. Um, I'm always like 10 stuff, so I had a temper, I'm always like 10 steps ahead of myself with this stuff. Um, and yeah, that's kind of why I don't get anything done and I drove myself crazy anyways. Um, yeah, I'm going to in this podcast and I'm going to go to bed. I will catch you next time on the space witch podcast. Thank you so much.
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