
Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
4: Compatibility 101
Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
What's up Witches!? This week's episode is all about basic compatibility and astrology. This episode is a quick and easy way to understand how and which signs are traditionally compatible in Astrology.
This pod covers:
- Astrology compatibility basics
- How to tell which signs are most compatible
- Which Astrology placements to look at for compatibility
- Why compatibility & your Birth Chart does NOT make or break a relationship
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You are now listening to the space which podcast your one stop guide to the stars, self-discovery, understanding the people around you in a logical explanation for all your other weird life experiences. Get all your questions answered right here. I'm your host Whitney Levesque.
Testing testing. One, two, three. This is the space witch podcast? Yes, Queens. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Welcome to the fourth episode of the space witch podcast? It's me, your host. Yeah, Girl Whitney Levesque. Um, yes. So I actually thought I was on episode five and I posted about it on Instagram and then I went and checked my sound cloud account and realize that this is only episode four, which is so crazy. I mean I'm pretty proud of myself for making it this far anyway cause I mean, you know, I got a lot of cardinal signs of my chart so it was a little iffy if I was going to get this far. Um, but I'm happy I did. I thought it was on episode five and I like, I was so proud. I was like, wow, I did five episodes already. That's amazing. Um, but I'll take four. Four is a good number.
I would assume that means I've, so I've done like a month's worth of podcasts. I mean I tried to put out, you know, an episode a week and so yeah, for four episodes I'll take it. I'm, I'm so happy. I'm happy to be here. Um, yeah. So let's see. Um, so today's episode I think is going to be all about love and compatibility and just, just the basics of that. There's a lot of stuff that goes into compatibility and astrology. Um, but today I'm just going to be like covering them, just like the basic stuff. Um, that's really easy to spot out when you're just beginning. So yeah, let's do it. I'm so high energy this morning. I feel like the last couple episodes I've done, we're really, um, I sounded kinda tired cause I was, cause I've been working weird hours and my schedule's changed.
Um, but I'm kind of adjusted now after a month or two of, uh, working at my new job. So yeah, I had a lot of white tea this morning. I got some sleep last night. My computer had to update for like a half an hour before I could record this. So yeah, I listened to a lot of Cassia while I was waiting and I was kind of like dancing around and just like, you know, getting off psyched up for this episode and I'm really happy. So, um, yeah, I dunno also, I like, so I'm recording in my living room right now and I just brought all my plants into my living room from my sun room because I'm in Maine. It's really chilly up here, even in fall. So, um, I've just brought all my plants and I think there's something to be said about plants and uh, you know, like raising your vibrations, you're vibes.
I think they bring in a lot of like positive, good vibes. So like, I dunno, I love having my plants and I love like seeing them all like in my living room. Um, so yeah. Anyways, compatibility. So here are your compatibility basics. Um, so I'm going to start off with just like basic stuff you should know that you could apply to just like Sun signs. Um, so like if you only know someone sometime you could kind of go off that even though your sun sign isn't really, it's not everything you should look at when it comes to compatibility. Um, technically you should look into like your moon rising sign Mars and Venus when it comes to like love and compatibility. But I'm going to talk about that more in the second segment of the show. Um, so yeah, for right now I'm just going to cover the basics so you can just be like, oh, like you can look at someone sun sign and you know, try to figure out if it's compatible with your sun sign, which is what a lot of people do anyway.
Um, originally I thought I was going to do like a whole separate episode on some of this stuff, but I just realized it all plays into compatibility. And that's, I think one of the main things that a lot of people like want to know about when it comes to astrology is like, oh, am I going to get along with, with this person? Am I not going to get along with this person? Yada, Yada, Yada. So, um, first of all, before I actually really get into it this time, um, I, one thing I just want to put out there is even though this is an astrology podcast and I'm talking about compatibility, um, don't look at someone's chart and decide if like you're going to be compatible or not and like write them off because there is a lot more that is going to go into compatibility besides everything I'm about to tell you in this episode.
So you know, there's a thing called [inaudible], which is kind of like how someone else's chart interacts with your chart. Um, that's probably going to be for another episode cause I'm actually myself, I'm still learning a little bit about sindustry. Um, but yeah, so don't, don't like look at someone's chart and write them off. Um, because even though like you might look at someone's starting, you might think like, Oh, they're a Leo and I'm a cancer where super incompatible, um, you never know. You might actually really get along with this person. Also, it's just kinda like you really, even though I love astrology and I think it's a great tool, don't be that person who kind of bases their whole life around compatibility or not compatibility around astrology and whether or not you're compatible. Um, if anything, this, I guess this goes into a little bit of like the ethics of astrology.
If anything, I would wait to even look at their chart. If you're interested in someone I know like a lot of you are probably going to go look anyway. I know cause I do this. Um, but just because I do it doesn't really mean y'all should do it. Um, I do this, I do have a friend, but anyway. Um, but just to Kinda, I guess I recommended just to kind of like not make yourself crazy. Like if you're interested someone go on a couple dates, talk to them, see what happens. If you want to look at their chart leader, fine. Or like if you're open about your love for astrology, like I am in, you're like, hey, when's your birthday? When, what time were you born? And then you just tell them why you want to know. Um, that's fine. Yeah. So basically just don't, don't make any big decisions based off of astrology.
Um, even though I think astrology is a great tool for understanding where something's going to go, um, yeah, it's just, it's not everything. Uh, even like for me example, so like, not to talk about myself, but this is my podcast and I love talking about myself. Well, not even that. I mean I do love talking about myself, but, um, it's easy for me to use my own example. So if you're annoyed by me talking about myself, then I guess you need to listen to another podcast. But anyway, um, yeah, so like for me personally, like I'm a Virgo sun. I have my Mars and Venus in cancer. I'm a Capricorn moon and my uh, boyfriend, he is a Libra sun. He is a Taurus, Moon Venus in Leo and Mars in Libra. And then he's a Scorpio rising. I'm an Aquarius rising, which like, you know, if you look at that, like if you like for example, like if I were to look at just our Vena signs, which is cancer and Leo, you know, you could take one look at that and be like, oh yeah, that's like, that's not gonna work because it's a water sign mixed with a fire sign.
But it works. Um, actually it's funny, I'm slow. Like my Venus is my fifth house, so that would kind of give me some like Venus in Leo traits kind of. Um, so that's kind of how that would like Mesh together. Also. Like he has a lot of fixed signs of this chart, which I like because with my Venus in cancer, like I love stability. So having someone who has a lot of fixed signs, even though he's a Libra, cause that's another thing. Like I know libras are really flaking and decisive and it's an air sign. So I could've looked at his chart when we started dating and it could have been like, oh well you're a Libra, so you must be really flaky. So this just isn't gonna work. Because I need someone who can commit to me and not be indecisive. However, because he has, you know, Venus in Leo and moon and Taurus and Scorpio rising and all that stuff.
He has so many fixed elements that play into his love life that, you know, it makes them much less indecisive and flighty as a Libra. Um, is he still indecisive? Oh yeah. He's super indecisive about like a lot of like little trivial things. But once he kind of ways out his options and he makes a decision, he's set on that decision, he's not going to change his mind on it. Um, not to say that he's also close minded. He's actually very open minded person being a Libra, but generally speaking, like he's very logical and very like, um, you know, it's just, it's a Libra thing. He wants a way out as options before he has a set in from decision. Um, so that, that works for me and that works for me in my Venus and Mars and cancer and all my water and earth placements such as like need all this like stability.
Um, so yeah. So, yeah, like I said, you know, don't look at chart and write them off because you just think it's going to be incompatible right off the bat. Get to know someone, see how it works. Going a couple of days, you can always say, no, I don't want to do this later. Um, yeah. Okay. So that's my disclaimer. Now I'm actually going to talk about compatibility now that that's all out of the way. Um, so there's a few things that come into play with compatibility and the Sun signs or just, you know, mixing any science. So like even, I'm talking about the sunshine's now because like that would be the easiest thing to, to, uh, kind of like put together. But I'm really, if you can figure out how the signs interact with each other, you can look at any other placements and tell how that's gonna work.
So like, you could apply this to, you know, Venus, Mars, Moon, rising signs, all that good stuff. So, um, the few things I kind of come into play are, there's a thing in astrology called the modes, which is, um, there's mutable, there's cardinal signs, there's fixed signs and that's it. There's like three modes, I'm pretty sure. Yeah. Okay. Um, I had to think about that for a second. So there's a three modes. There's mutable, cardinal and fixed. Um, so I'll start with mutable first, since I mentioned that first mutable signs, are there kind of what they sound like? They're mutable or like malleable. They are constantly changing. Um, they're, they're kind of like the more easy going signs or like they're kind of like, like they're not going to be very stubborn about things. They're going to be kind of more go with the flow or more open to things and more like, like I said, malleable.
Like these are people that might be like more influenced by like, they're outside surroundings or like people they know. Um, you know, it's almost like if you like had molding clay and you can just shape it to however you want. That's kind of how I think of like the mutable signs. Um, and the mutable signs are Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius, and Gemini. Um, which is interesting because all those signs are like each other's opposite sides. So you have Virgo and Pisces, which are both opposite signs and the of Gemini and Sagittarius, which are also opposites. Um, so like Virgos are very like, um, you know, picky and critical and like, you know, all over the place. And you know, Pisces are also kind of all over the place, but they're like, um, they're a little more like whatever. They're like emotional sponges. Like they just take on, like all these emotions were like, you know, you'd see Virgo and Virgos Kinda like they over analyze our emotions to the point where their feelings kind of get pushed aside.
Um, and then, you know, you have Gemini and Sagittarius, which is the way I always look at Gemini and Sagittarius is I always think of them as like the student and the teacher. Um, because so Sagittarius is like the wants to be like the guru or the teacher or like the authority figure that is like giving you the information. Like, I always think of Sagittarius as being like a college professor or instructor or um, you know, any kind of like a teacher of like higher learning. And you know, it's interesting because um, you know, like they're very preachy. Like they like to give people advice cause I like to philosophize La, I can't even say. Okay. You know what, they're very philosophical. So like they take what they learned and they kind of really like take the time to like think about it and look at it from a different angle.
Um, whereas you have Gemini, which is also ruled by mercury, which is, um, what Virgos rolled by. But Geminis I think are a little like more like all over the place and like disorganized compared to Virgos. Um, Geminis I feel like are like, you know, they say Geminis are very childlike, so they're like the little kid that's just like always learning and they're always curious and they're always asking questions and they're like, what's this and what does this thing do? And like, they just want to know everything, which is why I think of them as like the student because like they ask all these questions and, um, it's, it's interesting because I feel like gem and I kind of like Gemini, um, I feel like they ask like the more minuscule questions, like, how does this work? What does this do? Um, whereas I feel like I look at Sagittarius on the opposite end of that.
And Sagittarius kind of takes it a step further and asks, okay, I understand that this does this, but why does it do it? Um, and that's where it, like the philosophical aspects kind of come from, um, because it goes from what and how to why. Um, but anyways, I'm getting so off topic. Um, so yeah, so that's kind of like the dynamic of how I look at those signs. Um, I guess overall, what I was trying to say with that little side topic was that, um, I feel like not, I feel like, but I think that all the mutable signs are just very studious and very like willing to learn and want to experience things. Um, you know, in different ways, like, you know, Virgos are very organized and they're very analytical and like, you know, I imagine like, I almost imagine like Virgo is being like more like the nerdy computer science major.
I guess. Like, not to say that all Virgos are like that, but that's the kind of personality I think of where they're always like learning and they want to like crunch numbers and like know the facts. Whereas on the opposite end of that, you have Pisces, which I think, you know, Pisces or like the dreamers and you know, there's like a, there's like a thing in astrology like Pisces or like the drug addicts. Not to say that all Pisces are drug addicts, but, um, they're much more susceptible to, um, you know, trying like mind altering drugs and substances and wanting to experience things on another realm because, you know, whereas you have Virgo that's all analytical and wants to crunch numbers, you have Pisces on the other end of that where they're very spiritual and they believe that there's like a higher power or plane of existence that they're on or something crazy like that.
Um, and then you, like I said before, you have Gemini and Sagittarius, which is like the student and the teacher. Um, so that's what's kind of cool about the mutable signs. Like they're always wanting to learn and wanting to learn and they're always like wanting to hear like people's opinions and like consider them. Um, so anyways, moving on, that was really long. I don't know why I ended up talking about that so much. Um, so yeah, so that's your mutable signs. After that you have your cardinal signs. Um, cardinal signs are the best way to kind of describe cardinal signs and they're kind of like the go getters and the Zodiac. They're the ones that are like, they're going to set a goal and they're going to go for it and they're going to do it whether or not they're going to finish that goal is really dependent on what else is in their chart and how motivated they are.
Um, cardinal signs are like, they're like the initiators. They just, they start things. Um, and they set goals and they're really big on like projects and ideas and new concepts. And, you know, I feel like they're actually a little bit like more innovative than some of the other signs. Um, because like they're all about like ideas and like once I get an idea, they're like, oh, this would be great, let's do it. Um, and like that's the thing, they'll start it. They might not finish it. Um, yeah. So the cardinal signs are cancer, Capricorn, Aries and Libra. So you have cancer, which is like the mom of the Zodiac. I would like, I always think of like cancer and Capricorn like the mom and the dad. Um, cause that's kind of what what they resonate with. Um, you know, so like, you know, think of it like that.
Like the parents. So you have cancers. Mom, Capricorn is the dad. And I'm like getting out of breath already. Um, so yeah, so things like your parents, like your parents are always going to be there for you. Like, you know, I mean I get obviously like I understand that like not everyone's parents were always there for them, but theoretically when you think of like the archetype of like what parents are, um, your parents are like, they're always going to be there for you. So I always think of it like, you know, if you need something or you need help with something or you're in trouble, like Capricorn kids are, they're the ones that are going to show up for you and they're going to be there to help you and support you. Um, you know, like I said, like they're the initiators. So like, you know, if you're like, I need this thing, they're going to come like, like to the rescue and they're gonna be like, what do you need?
How can I help? Like, you know, that's, that's just what they are. Um, Capricorn on. Like, it's interesting too. So like Capricorn, you know, they're all about projects and setting goals and, um, you know, Capricorn, they're always like, and be reaching for like the next thing. Cause you know, Capricorn's the goat. So imagine a goat, like climbing the mountain to get to the top and you know, so they're all like goal oriented. So they're going to, you know, have an idea for a project and they're going to really try to follow through with it. Um, again, sometimes, sometimes Capricorns can do that. Um, they're going to try to, and that's, that's kind of the thing like, cause they're not a fixed sign. Like they're going to try to reach their goals. Um, you know, whether or not they do is kind of dependent on their chart or just, you know, whatever it is they're doing.
Um, so like I said, like they start things so they'll start something and get it done. Um, if there are anything like me and my Capricorn moon, they might start a project and get really discouraged and then, you know, not want to do it anymore. Cause I know I go through that all the time. Um, on the other, other [inaudible]. Wow. On the other end of that, you have cancer, which cancer, they say that like people with like cancer in their chart or like if you're like me and you have specifically like Mars and cancer, cancer is ruled by the moon and the moon is always changing. So cancers generally tend to have very cyclical energy. Um, because like I said, the moon is always changing. So, so our, our cancers, which is also kind of why like cancers are known for being really moody. Um, so the whole thing with cancers was like, they're going to start a project.
If they feel really good and excited about it, they're gonna be like, whoa. Like I feel so good. I'm going to go do this, I'm going to get shit done. And then, you know, the next day they just might be in like an emotional pit of despair and they're just gonna be like, I literally don't want to do this now. I'm too upset or I'm too, you know, overworked or I'm too, you know, like they're definitely motivated by like feeling, which obviously like if you, if you're a cancer sun and you have Mars in Capricorn or Mars in Leo or like a fixed sign, like you know how you go about projects might be different. You might actually be more fixed on getting things done. Um, but um, typically speaking it's like, you know, Mars and cancer or just cancer. Um, if I'm just going on with that alone, like, you know, your, the way you get things done is going to be solely based off like your emotions and how you feel that day.
Um, and then so you have Aries and Libra, which um, Aries is very impulsive and areas is like, they say areas just like the soldier, you know, like they're always ready for a battle, always ready to go and you know, just they're ready for anything at any given modem given moment. Um, so like they're the kind of like sign that that like they'll get all have, again, this is a common thing with all the cardinal signs. They well get all, like happy and gung ho about stuff and they do it and they'll start it and then they'll be like, ah, actually I don't want to do this. Um, so like areas is like a good example of that because they're so quick and impulsive. There'll be like, oh my God, I love this idea. This is so great. And they're like so high energy. So they're like, let's do it.
Um, and I've noticed like from the areas I've met in my life that they're very like ideas kind of people. Like, I mean this goes back to what I was saying before, but like I've noticed areas in particular, cause they say areas is like the pioneer cause the first and the Zodiac. So they're, they're, the trailblazer is just like carving a new way for the other signs. Um, like their first, their number one. Um, so yeah, they'll like, they really love ideas and so when they get really like stoked on an idea, they're going to want to start it and initiate it and just go for it. Um, it's funny too, I remember I worked with an Aries sun person, um, like a year or two ago. And I just remember like every time, and I think about this every time I think of the sign Aries, I just remember him coming in to work one day and he was talking to me about Ilan mosque in like all the stuff he's doing and how like he wants to go to school and work for Elon Musk someday.
And like, that's just what I think of when I think of like people with areas, placements is like all these like cool ideas and new concepts and things like that. Um, okay, time to breathe. I'm okay. Going on to Libra. Um, yeah, so Libra is another cardinal sign, which I think it's pretty obvious to explain why Lee bread doesn't always get things done besides the fact that they're Ricardo slide. Um, I mean, they're really flighty and indecisive as it is. So like they might be weighing out the pros and cons of something or they might dive into something without weighing other options first and then they might decide later that like, oh yeah, I'm not going to do this. Um, which is an interesting dynamic is where it's areas we'll just dive into things and like, I think areas is more likely to just do something and then burnout, because like I said, they're so quick and high energy, they're just going to give their all and they're going to be like, well, you know what, I'm pretty tired.
I'm going to back out of this. Whereas libras are like, they're just indecisive from the beginning usually. So they'll start something and then they'll think about it more. Maybe they'll realize like, oh, this isn't what I thought it was. And I'll be like, actually, I don't want to do this. Um, so there are a little more like slow compared to like areas in that sense. But like, yeah, that's why there are cardinal sign and they don't, they just, they don't always follow through. Um, so yeah, that's your cardinal signs. Um, moving on to your fixed signs. So for fixed signs you have Leo Aquarius and then you have Scorpio and Taurus. So with Leo and Aquarius, Leos are just very, very stubborn. I mean like obviously cause they're a fixed sign. Um, well actually let me backtrack real quick before I get into this. I kind of forgot.
I have to explain what fixed signs are because that's why you're listening to this obviously. So I'm a fixed sign is basically just is basically just so it's pretty much exactly what it sounds like, which is I guess, I guess it's why I didn't think that I had to really explain it because fixed signs are just, they are stubborn. When they have their minds set on something, they are set on that one thing and that's all they want. And all they can think about, these signs are unwavering. They're determined. Um, whereas, so like before when I was talking about like cardinal signs and how they start things, fixed signs, they're going to be the science to finish things. Like, if you have, if you're a cardinal sign, you're working with a fixed person on their team, the cardinal person's going to start something, but the fixed side, they're going to be the ones to like pick up the pace, get the job done and just do it.
Um, I have to Leo Siblings and they're both super, super stubborn, um, and they're both very determined and they get a lot of shit done because of it. Um, my brother is a Leo and he spent like, I took them 10 years to finish college because he really wanted to get his business degree and get a good job. And he wanted to start his own real estate business, which he also did because like I said, fixed signs, they start something, they're going to do it. Um, yeah. So my brother, he, it took him like a really long time to finish school spirit, but that took, sorry. Um, it took him a really long time to finish school because he like, again, like money was like a big thing to school is expensive and he was just really term determined to do it. So for like 10 years, he worked his butt off getting his degree and he did it.
He was like, I'm going to go to school, I'm going to get, get the degree, I'm going to do it. And He, yeah, that's exactly what he did. He did it and then he started his own real estate company after that. Um, so yeah, fixed signs are just very, like they get a goal month, they're going to do it. They say they're gonna do it, they're going to get it done. Um, I mean, only I think the other thing too that kind of determines that like only if it seems like easy kind of, I mean like they'll still put in the work even if it's hard, which is like really admirable. But I know like, I guess for Leos especially sometimes if they start doing something and they might also kind of like, I'd be like, wow, that's a lot of work and I don't want to do that.
Cause Leo's like, you know, you think of the king or the Queen with Leo's it like I just want someone else to do it for me. But that's also not to say that Leo's don't have a really great, uh, work ethic because they do. Um, like I said, um, so yeah, it's interesting, um, because Leos are all about kind of like, you know, they're all about like themselves kind of, not to say that they're always super selfish, um, because they do care about people that they love. Um, but on the other end of that, you have a query. It's such as really stubborn sign. Um, which is interesting because where I feel like Leo's a little bit more about like conforming and wanting to be popular. Aquarius is more about like the opposite of that, like rebelling and not wanting to be popular. And, um, whereas, you know, Leo is a little bit more like all about me.
Aquarius is more all about everybody else. Like they're interested in community, in the world at large. Um, and not just, even though like, again, like I said, just be, like I said, Leos are selfish. They can also not be selfish. Same thing with Aquarius. Aquarius can be selfish, even though like, they do care a lot about other people and they're very humanitarian sign. Um, but Aquarius is also very stubborn, but like in a different way. Cause like Aquarius is the kind of sign, like you tell them no, and they're not gonna want to listen to you. They're going to go do the opposite. Like they're a little bit spiteful like that. Um, and the thing that sucks is like, they're very, very stubborn about it. Um, even though like Aquarius is also very openminded sign. So it's interesting I think like, cause I have my rising and Aquarius.
I think sometimes we can be really contradictory and like, you know, we'll want to go do the opposite of what someone tells us, but then at the same time, like we might do it in the moment, but then we might actually consider the other person's point of view like later on. Um, so yeah, that's kind of like the Leo Aquarius Dynamic. Um, on the, on the other end of that, you have, um, Scorpio and Taurus as opposite fixed signs. Um, which is interesting. So Scorpios are really, really stubborn. Also. Like, like I said, all of the fixed signs are really stubborn, so I might find myself repeating that a lot. Um, but yeah, so Scorpios are all about like death and rebirth and renewal and change and wanting to find answers and seeking out like the taboo. And on the opposite end of that you have tourists, which is, Taurus is all about, um, like towards is like to be comfortable.
So like it's almost like, whereas Scorpio is all about change and rebirth and renewal, like I said before, tours is a little bit more like they do not like change. They're really stubborn about not changing. Um, I see this a lot actually with my boyfriend who has Taurus Moon in Taurus. Um, he does not like change. He loves to be comfortable. He likes everything to stay exactly as it is. Um, which that's kind of why like tourists gets us bad rep for being really boring as a sign. Um, because they are just a very stable sign and they like to be financially secure and have all their stuff together and just everything to be in one spot and have it all be good. Whereas, um, Scorpio is not like that. I think Scorpio as a sign is a little bit more tumultuous. Like they're so emotional and they're always changing and they have very strong views.
I actually think the other reason people either love Scorpios are hate them is because they're such a fixed sign and they have such strong opinions that, um, you're either going to meet a Scorpio and you're going to love them because maybe like you'll agree with everything they're about or everything they say and um, you know, you're going to love them or maybe you're going to really strongly disagree with them and you're going to hate them. Um, cause that's been my personal experience with a Scorpios either they're really, really great and like I loved them or they're very, very stubborn and like, um, you know, I don't agree with their views. So like, or you know, I just don't agree with everything they say. So they're going to be like a little, you're not going to like them as much. Um, whereas like Taurus is like, so ours is still stubborn and, but I don't think like tourist doesn't really have like, yes, because our fixed on, they're going to have strong opinions, but not in the same way that Scorpio would have like strong opinions.
Um, because Taurus is ruled by Venus, which is also rode by Libra. So like people with that Venus energy going on, they're going to want to like keep the peace and um, you know, even though like they might not agree with you, they might, it's possible they might just be like, okay, like it's fine. Like that's irrespective of Blah, blah, blah. Or they might just stop talking about it. Um, because Taurus is also kind of a classy sign, so they're not going to really make too big of a scene. But at the same time, if you wrong a tourist or you hurt their feelings or um, you know, if you, if you do something to kind of betray them because they're a very loyal sign, which most of the fixed signs are, I'm a Taurus is going to cut you out. They're not going to talk to you.
They're not going to want anything to do with you. They're going to block you. Um, yeah. So they're very stubborn and they're very black and white. Like most of the, most of the signs. Um, like I said, they'll be there for you, but then the second you like betray them, they're just like they're done. Um, and they say it, like I said, the same thing goes for all the other signs too. But I have seen this a lot with tourists. Um, cause like they really like peace and comfort and things to not change. So I feel like if you come into a tourist is life and you wreck all that, they're going to be like, bye. See Ya. Never. Um, cause I've seen that happen time and time and again. Yeah. So, yeah, that is all the modes that took me a lot longer to explain than I thought it would.
Um, also I was kind of like, why am I talking about like the opposite signs? Um, so yeah, it actually does work out that I talked about the opposite signs and how they differ because I would say that also plays a big part in compatibility. Um, because the whole thing with opposite signs, they, I mean I think opposite signs work really well together most of the time. Um, obviously like sometimes opposite signs like don't work so it can kind of go either way. Like he can either be, you know, great like opposites attract situation or it can be like, oh my God, this person is so annoying. Get them away from me. Um, so I definitely think that's like a good thing to look at when you are looking into compatibility. Also, I feel like I'm jumping around a little bit. Um, it's not intentional.
I'm going to be honest with you guys. I do not script my shows. Um, if I script them at all, which I only did for like the first episode, it is very loosely scripted. I, so with this podcast I was just, I really want everything to sound natural and kind of like conversational and just, I'm not a big fan of like the whole, um, you know, scripted podcast thing. Cause I'm a person, I'm not a robot. And my whole goal with this podcast is like when you're listening to this, I want you to feel like we're having a conversation and I'm in the room with you, like telling you about your compatibility with this guy you're dating. Or maybe there's a fuck boy and your life that you were kind of over, but you still want to know about his chart or you know, maybe there's a girl you're interested in.
I don't know who's, you know, whoever's listening to this. Um, so yeah, that's like my whole goal. Like I just want, I wanted to feel like we're friends and we're hanging out. So this is kind of let's, we'll hop that that see fucking it up already. Um, so yeah, this whole podcast is kind of just like how I would talk as if I were talking to you. Even when I edit this podcast, I do very minimal editing. There might be a few little slip up things that I might like edit out or like, you know, I put it, I obviously like I'll put it in my intro and all that, but overall, like, I really don't edit this, I don't script it. Everything's just kind of natural. Like I'll, I'll record an episode and I'll just think like, what do I want to talk about today?
And then I'll just literally just turn on my computer turned on Mike and just go off that. Um, which, I mean, who knows, I might change it. Maybe I'll try to script stuff more in the future right now though, this kind of like, this works for me. I'm good with this. Um, but yeah, so if you guys find me kind of jumping around a lot and it's kind of confusing, um, bear with me. Um, I do try to like get back on topic. So, um, yeah. So anyways, now that that little blurb is over. Um, so yeah, let's get back to compatibility. Um, so the other thing you want to look for with compatibility is the elements. Um, the elements are so you have water, fire, earth and air. Um, so I'll start with like water signs I guess. So water signs would be cancer, Pisces, Scorpio.
Um, and Oh my God, which 1:00 AM I forgetting? Cancer. Pisces. Scorpio is no, wait, I think that's all of them actually. Yeah. That as there should only be like three science for each four. Like the four elements. Cause you know, math three times four is 12. Okay. Yeah, I get really tripped up because I was like, I know it's like there's four for each of the modes and there's only three months. Okay. That makes sense now. Anyways. Um, yeah, so it's cancer, Pisces, Scorpio and so the water center very sensitive and emotional and um, they just pick up on a lot of things. Like that's why they say like, you know, water signs might be psychic because they're very, like, they're just these emotional people. They wear their heart on their sleeves. Um, they're very sensitive, um, people and they like people that are like, you know, they're also very empathetic and I think they like people that are also kind of empathetic and um, stable cause like I think in a way like the water sends a very not stable, um, because their emotions just kind of like control their lives a little bit.
And that's like what they run off of. Obviously. Like if they have other stuff in their chart that's going to change a lot of that. Um, we had the water signs or just think of like water, like water is a liquid. It takes on the form of whatever container you put it in. Um, and that's kind of like how water sends Arthur emotions. It just, it kind of dictates what they do, um, and how they react to things. So they're just very sensitive and sometimes they can even be a little bit like touchy, not like physically touchy, but I mean like sensitive, touchy. Like, you know, I was talking to my friend Kyle, who's a cancer the other day. Um, and we were both, I have like a lot of cancer in my chart and we were always talking about somebody. It's like, we'll just be doing something or we'll be really stressed out in a bad mood and like someone will talk to us and we'll be like a, what do you want?
What is it? And you know, we get kind of snappy with people, which I mean isn't, you should never use your chart to justify stuff like that. You should try to work on it, which is what I've had to do over the years, um, with my boyfriend. But, um, it's, that's kind of like the whole thing. I mean like with water signs are just very emotional and very sensitive. Um, so moving on from that. So where you have the water science, we were very like, kind of like in not in stable non-stable. Um, you have the earth signs which are much more stable. Um, the earth signs consists of Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus. So all of these signs, the thing they have in common is they are all very like, like I said, they're stable, they're grounded, they're down to earth, they're very logical and practical. Um, they like, you know, money and material things like these are the signs that are gonna really like, um, you know, like material possessions even though like you might be listening to this and you're one of the sons and you're like, I'm not a material person.
Um, I'm just, you know, generally speaking, cause like I said, and I'm always gonna say this, I'm going to keep saying it. There can be other things in your chart. They're going to dictate how you feel about things. Um, also this is just like the, the textbook kind of like example that I'm giving you guys. So, um, they're going to be all about like, you know, money and making money and financial security and having nice things. Like these are the signs that like, they're not going to want to shop at Walmart. Like, I mean on one hand, like yes, they might be shopping at Walmart because some of these signs tend to be like cheap. Um, because again, they like to have financial security so they might also not spend a lot of money on things. Um, but at the same time like they might, so like they might save a lot of money in shop at Walmart for like some things, but other things, um, that they know it's going to matter.
Like, I guess the best way to put it is there a quality over quantity a lot of the time. Um, because they're not like, you know, an air sign like Libra, which is ruled by Venus where they're all about like luxury and they just want the best of the best. It's more like, you know, if they really need something and they know they're going to use it for a long time or it's something they need, they're going to splurge on it and spend more money and they're going to really look at the quality of it. They're not just going to go to like if they needed a pair of like, I dunno, like boots for the winter or something like that. You know, they might go to Walmart and they might get the cheap pair of boots that are, you know, maybe they'll fall apart or something.
But if they really need these boots and they know they're going to get a lot of use, they might like go online and buy something that's a little more high end and something they know it's going to last them a long time because they know it's like an investment. Um, it could go either way, but that's generally like how they are and they're very stable. They're very practical and love. They really like, um, they really, I mean I would say like, they would either want someone who is as stable as they are or like, you know, sometimes like water signs actually go really well with our signs because of the fact that, you know, they're so emotional that, um, I don't know, it kind of gets them to realize like how insensitive they can be sometimes. And not to say that they're super cold and insensitive, but because they're so practical and logical that being with someone who kind of wears their heart on their sleeve or shows their emotions, um, you know, it can kind of give them a wake up call and kind of help them to get in tune with their own emotions.
Um, so like compatibility wise, like I would say that like, so when you're looking at the elements when you're looking at water and earth, this is like a great rule of thumb to look at with astrology and compatibility. So you can look at um, you know, so earth and water is a really good couple. Like those two like go together really well because it can kind of learn something from each other. Um, earth science kind of Mesh well with, you know, other earth signs. Sometimes I think they could even go well with air science, which we'll talk more about. Air Signs that a little bit. Um, they also go really well with what law are you said that water sense. So yeah, earth goes with earth or watered. Typically speaking, obviously there's exceptions to all the rules. And then water signs go really well with earth science or other water signs.
Um, although I will say I don't really love water signs with other water sounds cause I think they're both so emotional that it can make for a really toxic relationship. But that's also not to say they don't have other things in their chart that may might make it work out more. So keep that in mind with everything I say. Um, you know, take it all with a grain of salt. But yeah, so that's your sons and your water signs. And then you have your fire signs, which your fire signs, our Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Um, these signs are, these are all like very ego driven signs and they really care about being popular and like what people think about them. And do you know, like they really like to have a partner that like kind of makes them look good or someone they can brag about or someone that just, you know, like I said, really just looks good.
Um, they also might be a little more shallow in regards to love. Like they might care more about someone's physical appearance, um, as opposed to, you know, like a water or assign who might care more about like, you know, their personality. Not to say that like all fire signs are shallow. Um, like I said, there's exceptions to the rule. I'm going to keep saying it because I really don't want any angry emails being like, you said this about my sign and that's not how I am. Blah Blah Blah. Cause like I said, there's so many things that go into astrology than what I'm just talking about. This is just your basic stuff. Um, but yeah, fire sense also like I think they really liked people who are funny because they themselves have like a really good sense of humor and they're kind of fun and funny to be around.
And they also really like adventure and doing stuff because fire is like, it's like rapid active move in so that like these are the signs that really like to do physical stuff. Like, they might want a partner who's going to go to the gym with them or like, you know, do, uh, uh, I dunno, like a tough mudder or some other physical race with them. Like they're also very competitive too. So they like, they like people that are gonna like stroke their egos and make them feel good or look good. Um, and if they like you back then they're probably gonna um, you know, give you the same in return. So that is your fire signs. Also, I keep like turning away from the mic because my cat really wants me to pet him and of course I'm petting him, but like I keep getting really distracted.
So anyway, um, oh my God, that was him crawling over my lap and hitting the Mike with his tail cause he's needy. Um, so anyways, that was your fire signs, your air signs. Are Your Air signs or are I'm Libra Aquarius, which it's funny because a lot of people think Aquarius is a water sign. Aquarius is the water bearer, but it is not a water sign. Um, so do not be fooled. Um, I actually read something not too long ago about how he gets Aquarius kind of got named Aquarius during the time it was because, um, in like ancient Greece or Rome, I might be wrong about that. Um, in one of those they notice that the time of the year that was Aquarius season was like the rainy season, which is kind of where queries like God, it's whole like archetype from, um, so yeah, it's Libra, Aquarius and Gemini.
Those are the air signs. The air signs are very logical and very witty and very, um, intellectual. They're very like of the mind and like mental. So, um, you have like Libra, which is all about like beauty and abundance and like love and balance. Balance is a big thing with Libra, so libras and air signs. So they're always weighing out their options, always thinking about the pros and cons, which is why they're so indecisive all the time. Um, yeah, so that's kind of like what they're all about it. Um, for some reason, I know it's not the card associated with Libra, but when I think of Libra, I always think of like the two of swords in the Taro deck because it shows a girl with her like blindfold on and she has like the two swords. And she asked to like make a decision but like a very concise, like logical decision.
And I always think of Libra even though like I know it's not the typical card associated with Libra, kind of Ryan's who of that. Um, but yes, let's Libra and then you have Gemini, Gemini, like I said before, it's like the student and they're just always taking in this information and wanting to learn and wanting to like know everything and just like I said, taking it all in. Um, and they're kind of like, like I said, Virgo and Gemini are a little bit similar because they're both ruled by mercury, but Gemini is like, they're very, they're just like all over the place. Like there, the sign that's going to have like 15 million tabs open and they're going to pick up on things really quickly and they're going to be like speed reading through articles and like, you know, they just do everything so fast and like really learn everything so fast.
Um, whereas I feel like Virgo kind of takes it and they, we like to die to kind of just like digest it a little bit more. Um, so the Gemini and then you have Aquarius, which Aquarius is very like humanitarian and they like ideas and they like, um, I think they kinda like to, because they're like the contrarians of the Zodiac. I think they liked consider other options that aren't conventionally like accepted by society because Aquarius is very unconventional sign. So they're just going to kind of like, you know, they really look into the lake taboo things. Like they're the ones that are going to be kind of like, I think sometimes like Aquarius can be kind of crunchy. Like they're very into like a lot of like spiritual stuff like sage and like open relationships and sex parties and like kings. And like, I don't know why.
Like those are like the kind of things like, you know, and like I was going to say theater but is not really that unconventional. But like they have like a lot of like out there kind of hobbies cause they're like, they're very curious in the sense of it. Like, you know, everyone rejects this one thing I want to know about this other thing. Um, so like I said, they're very like rebellious in that sense. Um, and they take on like a lot of new ideas. Um, I must be like, not to get too political but Aquarius or like the anarchists or the Socialists sometimes with the Zodiac. Um, only because like I said, like I said, they like things are generally not accepted by society and so like they're into all these like taboo kind of a things similar to the way Scorpio is.
Um, but just a little bit different. Um, so yeah, the, your, your air signs are very like of the mind. They're very intellectual. They like to know things. They like to ask questions. I like to weigh out their options. They like to research, um, suds or your air signs, Eric. And they're also very like social, um, they like to talk a lot. Um, especially Gemini, but all of them, they're all very chatty, which is why I'm so, air signs typically go really well with fire signs or other air signs. Same thing. Fire signs go with air signs or other fire signs. Um, because they kind of just mesh really well together. Um, because they're both like, neither of them are very sensitive. So like they kind of like, and they're both like the more extroverted signs where it's with, um, with your water signs in your earth signs,
they're going to be a little bit more introverted in a sense. They're not going to be the ones that want to go. Like, I mean, you know, like I said, yes, like they're good. They might want to go to venture out and do other stuff. Um, but they're, they're like much more like they want to hang out with like one or two people or you know, they want to stay at home and not want to do stuff where like air signs and fire center, like, yeah. Like, let's go out, let's party, let's do all this stuff. I'm, you know, they're all about it. Um, so yeah, so those via this ended up being so long, it's probably going to be one of my longest podcast. I do. I might even do a part two at this point. Um, so yeah, they're, they're going to be the signs that are going to be like, yeah, let's party.
Let's go do stuff. Um, and yeah, so, so getting back to what I was actually trying to say, um, so those are just like a lot of like your general rule of thumb, things that you can, um, that you can look for when you are looking at, um, you know, Sun signs or any placement really, you can kind of apply it to all the signs. I mean they're all going to change based on like the house they're in and the, um, you know, what planet you're looking at it, it's all going to be a little bit different. Um, but those are the general, just the general rule of thumb. Things you can look at when you were looking into compatibility and you're looking at someone's sunshine or any sign really, um, and seeing like if you know whether or not you're going to be compatible, whether or not you're going to work together.
Um, so yeah, I guess that's part one. Um, because it's ended up being so long. I think I'm just going to call this part one and I'm gonna end this in a second and we're gonna start part two and then you guys can all check it out and love it. Um, so yeah, that was your basic guide to compatibility. Um, thank you for listening. Check out episode number or not episode number two, but, um, check out part two of this episode and I will talk more in depth for any more like people who are a little bit more advanced and astrology and want to know more about compatibility. Um, that's going to be in the next episode, which I think I'm just going to throw it in as like a bonus episode this week. Um, so yeah, thank you for listening. Um, I'm Whitney and I'll catch you in the next episode. Thank you so much.
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